You are 25 years old your name is:
You married your loving boyfriend after 6 years, Whats his name:
You Got married in:
And honeymooned in:
3 months after your wedding, you find you are pregnant. You guys are overjoyed. You go for an ultrsound to find out what your having, and turns out your having twin Boys. You guys give them names that you love.
[name]Baby[/name] #1 -
[name]Baby[/name] #2 -
When you little boys are 20 months, you decide you want another baby, you talk to your hubby about it and he is up for it. Trying for nearly a month, you get pregnant again. The ultrasound says your having a little boy.
3 names you like?
3 names your hubby likes?
Nine months later your bouncing little boy comes along weighing 9lbs. A big baby! What do you name him?
[name]Baby[/name] #3 -
When your Twins are 4 and your son is 21/2 you get pregnant again. You beg for a little girl because you have 3 boys already. When the ultrasound says its a boy, you are sad, but happy because God gifted nyou with another baby. You and your husband choose a cute but masculine name What is it?
When the day comes to deliever, your Husband wants to change the name, cause it doesnt suit your son.
What does your husband choose?
[name]Baby[/name] #4 -
You have 4 happy little boys running around, but you still want your little girl.When your twins are 6, your son is 41/2 and your other son is 2, You and your husband talk it over for a few months and decide One more and thats it. So when you find out your pregnant your scared to find out the Gender. When you go for your ultrasound Your doctor finds Twins — And there GIRLS! You are so happy to finally get a girl, but Another set of twins. Whoa!
8 months come and past and your little girl are here. Weighing in small at 5lbs each, they are still healthy…
You choose a name and your husband choose a name.
[name]Baby[/name] #5 -
[name]Baby[/name] #6-
You are happy with your Family since you got your girls.
Children’s names?