Your thoughts on my Dh's fav name

So I thought we had it all figured out when my Dh came in and asked me, do you like [name]Fiona[/name]? He apparently loves it, but I am not sure yet. Wdyt?

I absolutely love [name]Fiona[/name]. I think it’s beautiful and sophisticated, familiar but not common.

I like it, but don’t love it as it’s not quite my style. It also makes me think of [name]Princess[/name] [name]Fiona[/name] from Shrek…

It’s one that has grown on me of late, and I really, really like it.

So funny, that’s one of the names my DH likes too!

While were not using it, I do like the name! I’m not sure if he got it from Shrek or from Eurotrip, but those aside, it’s quite pretty.

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Fiona[/name]! I would use it if only dh would let us:)

I do have to say it is growing on me! :slight_smile: Thank you everyone.

[name]Fiona[/name] is very nice. I used to hate it, lol, probably irrationally, as I can’t really pinpoint why I didn’t like it, but I do like it more now. I wouldn’t use it as a FN, personally, or probably even a MN. But I do like it better as a MN–I think it flows better there. I don’t think of [name]Princess[/name] [name]Fiona[/name] too much, but it does have a bit of an awkward, ogre-like feel to it, which might be part of my hesitation (or maybe, I’m just more influenced by the movie than I thought I was, lol).

For what it’s worth, I liked all of your other options more than this, but that could be just me. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I’ve always loved [name]Fiona[/name]. It’s pretty, uncommon but familiar, feminine and strong, and has a touch of sass. [name]Truly[/name] fantastic name!

For a long time I didn’t get all the hype about [name]Fiona[/name], but recently I’ve started to think it is very sweet.

I still don’t get all the hype about [name]Fiona[/name], sorry. :frowning: I know so many Fionas, all 35+ years old, that it just seems daggy and dated.

Where are you located? Where I am in the U.S., [name]Fiona[/name] sounds very fresh.

I love [name]Fiona[/name]! I think it’s soo pretty and feminine without being frilly. It’s on my top 5 :slight_smile:

Soft, sweet, nice, and pretty. I’ve always loved [name]Fiona[/name].

I think that it’s a really sweet name, and I like that there aren’t a lot of little Fionas running around everywhere! However, my first thought when I saw it was of [name]Princess[/name] [name]Fiona[/name] from Shrek… I don’t know if that bothers you or not, but I’m sure a lot of people will also think of the Shrek connection.

I think its lovely, its very pretty but not overly!

My husband is also loving [name]Violet[/name]. I think I like [name]Violet[/name] more than [name]Fiona[/name].

Australia. There were 3 Fionas in my year at school alone, and I went to a rather small highschool (20+ years ago). My cousin (aged 41) is called [name]Fiona[/name]. It’s kind of a ‘mum name’ here. (So is [name]Gemma[/name], BTW).

Clearly not so much in the States, though, so probably not an issue for you! :slight_smile:

I really like [name]Fiona[/name]! I’d consider it for a future daughter but my fiance’s last name starts with F. Not a fan of the alliteration. I know there is the connection with Shrek but TBH it’s not a bad connection. She’s a pretty good character. Eventually the association will go away.