Your thoughts on Quenby?

[name]Just[/name] wondering what y’all think about [name]Quenby[/name] on a girl…

I find its pronunciation a little awkward, like it’s splitting the difference between [name]Quinn[/name] and [name]Gwen[/name]. While I don’t dislike [name]Quenby[/name], I think [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Gwen[/name], and [name]Quimby[/name] are prettier options.

I agree with ellenelle.

My dad has a student named [name]Quenby[/name]! At first he thought it was odd (as did I) but now we both think it’s really cute! [name]Quinby[/name] is another option, but I like [name]Quenby[/name] better.

I like it, but it always sounds so close to [name]Quimby[/name] when I say it (I like [name]Quimby[/name] too, it’s just a different name)…