Hello everyone!
Has anyone heard of the girl’s name “Yto” (pronounced Eeto) before?
I really like it but am not sure where I heard it and can’t find any info on it at all.
Hello everyone!
Has anyone heard of the girl’s name “Yto” (pronounced Eeto) before?
I really like it but am not sure where I heard it and can’t find any info on it at all.
Never heard of it before, but I don’t like it. It sounds like a modern abbriviation (I thought this was prononounced like why though, to be honest with you. It does seem like a Japanese or Chinese name to me, though. I just wouldn’t recommend using it, as no living soul would pronounce or spell it correctly
All I could find was Yto Barrada, who is a [name_m]French[/name_m]-[name_u]Moroccan[/name_u] artist. Her work has been featured all over the world. LINK HERE TO HER WEBSITE.
I did find something on Ito, which is “the sixth most common Japanese name” according to Wikipedia LINK HERE. And it comes from the root tou which means wisteria according to Behind The Name LINK HERE.
Whether Yto is a version of that is unclear, but I also found something else on ‘eeto’ which is basically the Japanese version of ‘um,’ ‘uh,’ or ‘let me see.’
thank you for your opinion!
i’m from a part of the world where “y” would be pronounced like “ee” anyways, but i do agree that it would be very unusual and possibly very hard to deal with.
yes!! it was yto barrada where i heard the name!! thanks for that
also thanks a lot for looking into it, very kind of you. i didn’t get a japanese “vibe” at all, but now that you say it, it’s true.
thanks again
This might be a long shot, but in the context of the name having a [name_u]Moroccan[/name_u] bearer, I had a look at Amazigh names. I found Ittû and Yettu. Any chance that Yto is a [name_m]French[/name_m] transcription of one of those names?
Yettu, same site also lists Ittu: (You will need to disable adblock to view this site)