
See the results of this poll: Which way is the best way?

Respondents: 36 (This poll is closed)

  • ZEL-ya : 7 (19%)
  • Zuh- LEE- a : 1 (3%)
  • ZEL-e-a: 28 (78%)

[name]ZEE[/name]-lee-ah or ZAY-lee-ah

Though I could understand if there was a different pronunciation. I could realistically see about 4.

I would probly sa [name]Zee[/name]-lee-ah but I like the way Zay-lee-ah sounds more

I’d pronounce it ZEEL-ya, so none of the above.

Xelia is cute too

I would pronounce it this way as well.

I would pronounce it Zeel-lee-ah.

I would say Zeel-ya or maybe [name]Zee[/name]-lee-ah

I would say [name]ZEE[/name]-lee-ah

I know one. She is [name]Zee[/name]-lia

Seems the consensus is not definitive.

I guess, my concern ultimately is saying it improperly…

ZEEL-ya or Zay-lee-ah are my two favorites.

Please weigh in so I don’t lose the love of this name… It’s a the top of my list.

I would say it [name]ZEE[/name]-lee-yuh.

I would say either [name]ZEE[/name]-lee-yah or ZEEL-yah. I know a [name]Delia[/name] and depending on her mood, she either pronounces it [name]DEE[/name]-lee-yah or DEEL-yah. So I don’t know if you have to pick one. If she can pronounce her name two different (though very similar) ways, you can probably do that with your daughter. Then she can choose which one she likes the best when she’s older.

I said [name]ZEL[/name]-lee- a, but I like ZEEL-lee-yah better. Maybe it’s a name like [name]Xavier[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name] that has two or three acceptable pronunciations.

I too would say ZEEL-ee-ah or ZEEL-yah depending on how fast I was speaking. If someone corrected me and said her daughter’s name is said “ZAY-lee-ah” I would understand; it would seem natural. None of the three options in the poll would come to mind.

ZEEL-ya (a more Greek prn) or ZAY-lia (a more Italian prn), and I don’t think there’s a right or wrong prn.

Well my name is [name]Zelia[/name] and it’s always been pronounced CEE-liah in English. I personally hate when people pronounce it like ZEEL-yah, but that’s just a pet peeve of mine. It’s pronounced differently in Danish though.