What are your thoughts on [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f]? Is it too out there, or could it work? I suggested it yesterday to S/O just because I was curious, and he actually really liked it, much to my surprise (his style’s more all over than mine - [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], [name_u]Harvest[/name_u], [name_f]Sunday[/name_f], [name_f]Stella[/name_f], [name_f]Chloe[/name_f], [name_f]Hannah[/name_f], [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u], [name_f]Kylie[/name_f], [name_f]Mary[/name_f]-[name_f]Mikayla[/name_f], [name_f]Araceli[/name_f]…[name_f]Zipporah[/name_f]?).
So, thoughts on [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f]? Is it usable? (It being a Biblical name doesn’t bother us, as the majority of our list is Biblical/Christian in nature).
I really like [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f] but I would assume any [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f] is Jewish and I don’t really think it would be good as a “[name_u]Christian[/name_u]” name.
I actually really like [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f]. There’s something bright and bubbly about it! With names like [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] and [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] being popular, [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f] doesn’t sound outlandish at all
It’s definitely grown on me, I used to think it was odd but now I think it’s really pretty. I also love [name_f]Zora[/name_f] so I think [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f] nn [name_f]Zora[/name_f] would be so cool!
I really like [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f]. It has an interesting sound and you don’t see many “Z” names. I also think the Biblical figure is a great namesake.
The name does strike me as being more religious than some other Biblical names. I would probably expect the parents of a girl named [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f] to be either Jewish or Evangelical Christians.
I love Zipporah! I think the meaning “bird” is so sweet too.
Personally, I think it could work as a Jewish or Christian name. I’m not really sure the Biblical Zipporah was even Jewish/Israelite? Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Also, her father Jethro’s name is fairly well used so I don’t see why Zipporah can’t be.
I’ve always loved [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f]! It seems so characterful and feminine, which checks all the boxes for me. The meaning is also lovely imo. It may not be very common, but the pronounciation is intuitive and the sound seems very down to earth, so I would definitely say it’s useable.
I like it, I know a girl with this name, though she spells it differently and she doesn’t seem to have any issues. I agree with other posters that while it is unusual, the pronunciation is very intuitive.
ETA: she is not Jewish
I actually went to school with Zipp0ra Sev3n (famous model) and I don’t think her parents were jewish but they might be! She always went by [name_f]Zippy[/name_f] which is adorable.
I think it’s lovely. As a Catholic, I wouldn’t necessarily assume [name_u]Christian[/name_u] or Jewish, though I know the origins of the name. I prefer the [name_f]Tzipporah[/name_f] spelling, but honestly [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f] is very elegant and charming.
I love a lot of biblical names, so I was practically vibrating at the thought of someone seriously considering [name_f]Zipporah[/name_f], I think it’s absolutely lovely. As for usable? That’s up to you, it’s not a well known name so whether or not your willing to stick to your guns with it and, well, USE it.