Colony of Virginia, outside of the New England Confederation
DW (deceased): Keziah Tabitha COOKE (formerly PRIEST, nee BROWNE, 1599-1665)
DH2 (deceased): Jonathan Manasseh COOKE (1600-1663)
DSD (34): Felicity Joan WILDER (nee COOKE, 1636-), daughter of Jonathan COOKE and his first wife
– DH (deceased): Josiah Phineas WILDER (1633-1669)
– DS1 (10): Isaac Jonathan WILDER (1660-)
– DD (6): Beulah Miriam WILDER (1664-)
– DS (deceased): Ezekiel Gilead WILDER (1666-1668)
– DD (deceased): Candace Dorcas WILDER (1667-1667)
1663: Jonathan COOKE dies from old age at the age of 63.
1664: Felicity WILDER gives birth to Beulah WILDER.
1665: Keziah COOKE dies of old age at the age of 66.
1666: Felicity WILDER gives birth to Ezekiel WILDER.
1667: Felicity Wilder gives birth to CANDACE Wilder, who is stillborn.
1668: Ezekiel WILDER dies of pneumonia at age 2.
1669: Josiah WILDER dies of dysentery at the age of 36.
Massachusetts Bay
DW2 (66): Sarah Elizabeth STRONG (nee FULLER, 1604-)
DD (26): Ruth Dinah HOPKINS (nee STRONG, 1644-)
DH (26): Lot Obed HOPKINS (1644-)
– DD1 (deceased): Philanda Drusilla HOPKINS (1666-1668)
– DS (deceased): Orestes Othniel HOPKINS (1668-1670)
– DS2 (1): Zaccheus Paul HOPKINS (1669-)
– DS3 (nb): Hezekiah Seth HOPKINGS (1670-)
1663: Ruth STRONG marries Lot HOPKINS.
1666: Ruth STRONG gives birth to Philanda HOPKINS.
1668: Ruth STRONG gives birth to Orestes HOPKINS and Philanda HOPKINS dies of yellow fever at age 2.
1669: Ruth STRONG gives birth to Zaccheus HOPKINS.
1670: Ruth STRONG gives birth to Hezekiah HOPKINS and Orestes HOPKINS dies of influenza at age 2.
New Netherland
DW (deceased): Mercy Anne BREWSTER (formerly GARDINER, formerly PRIEST, nee HOWLAND, 1605-1663)
DH2 (deceased): Myles George BREWSTER (1602-1665)
DS (34): Truelove Howland GARDINER (1636-), son of Mercy and Solomon GARDINER (1605-1640)
– DW (33): Dorothy Ann GARDINER (nee RIGSDALE, 1637-)
– DD (14): Amity Henrietta GARDINER (1656-)
– DS (deceased): Eleazar Solomon GARDINER (1659-1663)
– DD (deceased): Primrose Constance GARDINER (1660-1666)
– DD (deceased): Mercy Anne GARDINER (1660-1662)
– DS (deceased): Samuel Abraham GARDINER (1661-1667)
– DD (2): Rebecca Prudence GARDINER (1668-)
DSD (39): Rosannah Eve GOODMAN (formerly LATHAM, nee BREWSTER, 1631-), daughter of Myles BREWSTER and his first wife
– DH2 (40): Amaziah Zopher GOODMAN
– DS1 (16): Myles Henry LATHAM (1654-), son of Rosannah and her first husband, Peregrine LATHAM (1630-1658)
– DD1 (deceased): Hephzibah Iscah GOODMAN
– DS2 (2): Zachariah Brewster GOODMAN
– DS3 (nb): Jedidiah Nathaniel GOODMAN
1661: Dorothy GARDINER gives birth to Samuel GARDINER.
1662: Mercy GARDINER dies of scarlet fever at age 2.
1662: Rosannah GOODMAN gives birth to Hephzibah GOODMAN.
1663: Mercy BREWSTER dies of cancer at age 58 and Eleazar GARDINER dies of pneumonia at age 4.
1665: Myles BREWSTER dies of old age at age 63.
1666: Primrose GARDINER dies of yellow fever at age 6.
1667: Samuel GARDINER dies of dysentery at age 6.
1668: Dorothy GARDINER gives birth to Rebecca GARDINER.
1668: Rosannah GOODMAN gives birth to Zachariah GOODMAN and Hephzibah GOODMAN dies of typhoid fever at the age of 6.
1670: Rosannah GOODMAN gives birth to Jedidiah GOODMAN.
James Henry FLETCHER (1599-1620)
Elizabeth Mary FLETCHER (nee BRADFORD, 1601-1620)
Rosannah Abigail FLETCHER (1620-1622), died of pneumonia at age 2
Margaret Esther PRIEST (nee BRADFORD, 1601-1624), died of sweating sickness in 1624 at age 23
Matthew Nathaniel PRIEST (1601-1624), died of sweating sickness in 1624 at age 23
James Elijah PRIEST (1604-1626), died of dysentery in 1626 at age 22
Bishop Friend PRIEST (1623-1626), died of dysentery in 1626 at age 3
Creedence Resolved PRIEST (1625-1625), stillborn
Constance Love PRIEST (1635-1638), died from influenza in 1638 at the age of 3
Alice Rose STRONG (formerly PRIEST, nee BUTTEN) (1603-1633), dies of influenza in 1633 at the age of 30
Susannah Ruth STRONG (1631-1633), dies of influenza in 1633 at the age of 2
Katherine Anne STRONG (1637-1637), stillborn
Solomon Bartholomew GARDINER (1605-1640), died at age 35 in a work-related accident
Remember Humility GARDINER (1633-1639), died at age 6 of scarlet fever
Resolved Howland GARDINER (1639-1640), died at age 1 of pneumonia
Elias Joseph PRIEST (1598-1646), dies of heart failure at age 48
Prudence Love PRIEST (1639-1646), dies in an accident at age 7
Clement Amos COOKE (1640-1650), dies of yellow fever at age 10, son of Jonathan COOKE and his first wife
Thaddeus Abraham COOKE (1645-1660), dies of dysentery at age 15, son of Jonathan COOKE and his first wife
DH (deceased): Edward Thomas STRONG (1601-1651), dies of dysentery at age 50
Rebecca Leah STRONG (1643-1647), dies of scarlet fever at age 4
Zipporah Priscilla BREWSTER (1634-1646), dies of yellow fever at age 12
Ely Richard BREWSTER (1635-1646), dies of yellow fever at age 11
Virginia Bernice BREWSTER (1642-1645), dies of scarlet fever at age 3
Peregrine Story LATHAM (1630-1658), dies in a work-related accident at age 28
Alden Carver LATHAM (1651-1656), son of Peregrine and his wife Rosannah (now GOODMAN), dies of typhoid fever at age 5
Francis Brewster LATHAM (1656-1660), son of Peregrine and his wife Rosannah (now GOODMAN), dies of influenza at age 4
Keziah Tabitha COOKE (formerly PRIEST, nee BROWNE, 1599-1665), dies of old age at the age of 66
Jonathan Manasseh COOKE (1600-1663), dies of old age at the age of 63
Josiah Phineas WILDER (1633-1669), dies of dysentery at the age of 36
Candace Dorcas WILDER (1667-1667), stillborn
Philanda Drusilla HOPKINS (1666-1668), dies of yellow fever at age 2
Orestes Othniel HOPKINS (1668-1670), dies of influenza at age 2
Mercy Anne BREWSTER (formerly GARDINER, formerly PRIEST, nee HOWLAND, 1605-1663), dies of cancer at age 58
Myles George BREWSTER (1602-1665), dies of natural causes at age 63
Eleazar Solomon GARDINER (1659-1663), dies of pneumonia at age 4
Primrose Constance GARDINER (1660-1666), dies of yellow fever at age 6
Mercy Anne GARDINER (1660-1662), dies of scarlet fever at age 2
Samuel Abraham GARDINER (1661-1667), dies of dysentery at age 6