Soon after my husband and I were married, we chose one boy’s name and one girl’s name that we both had fallen in love with. We got to use our boy’s name with our darling now three-year-old [name]Griffin[/name] [name]William[/name]. When I found out I was pregnant again, we were so happy and hoped for a girl (since we already had the perfect name), but we have since learned that we are expecting TWO girls and ONE boy. Triplets. We knew this could be a possibility (I am a fraternal twin and so are my younger brother and sister), but we never prepared our names for it.
So (sorry for the long background story), hubby and I originally picked out [name]Willow[/name] [name]Danya[/name] for a baby girl. Now, we are searching for another girl and another boy to go with [name]Willow[/name] and [name]Griffin[/name].
Ideas we like the most:
[name]Toula[/name] [name]Kaatje[/name] (girl)
[name]Heidi[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] (girl)
[name]Leland[/name] Andr”s (boy - poss nn [name]Leo[/name])
[name]Sebastian[/name] Andr”s (boy)
[name]Oliver[/name] Andr”s (boy)
- we’re pretty set on Andr”s for his middle name…
Possible firsts we like:
[name]Rowan[/name] (girl)
[name]Pilar[/name] (girl)
[name]Bella[/name] (girl) - My friend has a 12-year-old daughter, and she has warned me about the “Twilight” books/movies with a main character named [name]Bella[/name]…
[name]Lars[/name] (boy)
[name]Landon[/name] (boy - nn [name]Lars[/name])
Input, Suggestions, and Ideas are greatly appreciated! Last name is McOrril (pn m-[name]COR[/name]-il).
Thank you! - [name]Bernie[/name]