3 syllables and 7 letters?

We are expecting our 4th near [name]Easter[/name] and are having a hard time finding a name. I’ve never posted for any of my other children’s names, but this 4th is proving to be quite trying. [name]Don[/name]'t know the gender.

Our oldest is [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Kay[/name] ([name]Ella[/name]). Followed by [name]Maximus[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] ([name]Max[/name]). After these 2 I discovered that we all had names that were 3 syllables and 7 letters long. I am [name]Melissa[/name] and my husband is [name]Gregory[/name]. We thought it was interesting that it just happened that way. 5 years after [name]Max[/name] we had [name]Caspian[/name] [name]Edward[/name] ([name]Ian[/name]). We had decided to stick with the rules and after much deliberation were happy with it.

Aside from the 3 & 7 rule, we want a name that is familiar but not too common with nickname possibilities. I was saddened to see [name]Ella[/name] rise the charts so fast after naming her. 10 years ago we didn’t know anyone else with that name. In the year I was born, [name]Melissa[/name] was second only to [name]Jennifer[/name]. There were so many Melissas in my class. We also don’t want anything that sounds like the sibs names. [name]Bella[/name], [name]Layla[/name] ([name]Ella[/name]), [name]Zach[/name] ([name]Max[/name]), [name]Liam[/name] ([name]Ian[/name]). Also the dog’s name is [name]Lilah[/name].

Our favorites so far are [name]Rosalie[/name]/[name]Rosalyn[/name] ([name]Rose[/name]) or [name]Lorelei[/name] ([name]Laura[/name]) and [name]Jameson[/name] ([name]James[/name]). If it’s a girl the middle name will be [name]Marie[/name]. If it’s a boy the middle name will be [name]Dale[/name]. These are from the grandparents as are the middle names of the other sibs.

Opinions and ideas appreciated. Thanks and God bless!

This is a cool theme you have going! Hmm…
[name]Bridget[/name] ([name]Bri[/name])
[name]Coralie[/name] ([name]Cora[/name])

I love [name]Lorelei[/name]. Where is your stance on same initials? [name]Do[/name] you want different ones or do you mind?





Some suggestions:

[name]Ophelia[/name] (I pronounce it with four syllables, but some people say it with three)
[name]Cecilia[/name] (Same)
[name]Aurelia[/name] (Same)
