Hello, all! I am brand new on here, and I am expecting our fourth and final child! Yes, four kids! You must think we’re nuts, haha. We love our children, and, while his pregnancy did sneak up on us, we can’t wait for this last edition to our family. IT’S ANOTHER BOY! [name_f]Kate[/name_f] is upset because she already has two younger brothers and wanted a baby sister, but we know she will love the new baby no matter what.
I am hoping you all can help us sort out and decide on names!
We have three children:
[name_f]Katherine[/name_f] [name_f]Sophia[/name_f] (7)
[name_m]Jeffrey[/name_m] [name_m]Mark[/name_m] (5)
[name_u]Dean[/name_u] [name_u]Everett[/name_u] (2)
And we are considering these for our newest son:
[name_m]Nathan[/name_m] ([name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] maybe?)
[name_u]Michael[/name_u] (too popular?)
[name_m]Shepherd[/name_m] ([name_m]Shepard[/name_m] spelling is also in consideration)
[name_m]Kevin[/name_m] (too “old” sounding?)
We were originally trying not to use the repeating first initials, but we threw that out the window. It may be strange if we only had three total kids with initials K, K, and D, but we already have three kids with K, J, and D, so another K or J wouldn’t look as strange.
Which are your favorite names from above? What names can you please recommend for us?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you all!
- [name_f]Anna[/name_f]