5 days till delivery and never going to find a name

I’m losing it just like I did with my first who I have baby name regret with 2 years later. I am delivering in 5 days (at most unless baby comes sooner) and nothing feels good enough. Every time i am set on a name, i start to doubt myself and feel lukewarm about it. Nothing feels good enough. Ive gone through lists and lists praying to see a smoking gun that i haven’t considered before but nothing. I had extreme ppd with my first over her name because i had similar feelings. This one is a boy and i thought it would be easier but here we are again. I can’t believe i’m down to the wire and finding myself in the same place.

How are people just so sure of a name? The names i had for boys 2 years ago are not ones i like today and that scares me. Also really looking for your suggestions for arabic boy names or ones that are easily pronounced in english and arabic - think more cross cultural but leaning on the arabic side.
Any help/advice appreciated.

I could leave a list of names im considering but feel like that wouldnt help.

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[name_m]Faris[/name_m] and [name_m]Haris[/name_m] are always easily pronounced in both imo.

What is your daughters name?

Other Arabic names that I personally like just in case you need a bit of fresh inspo:



maybe… Noah, Omar, Ezra, Rumi, Idris, Malik, Saif, Leith, Riaz, Nadir

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I think Zayn/Zane would be a great choice for an Arabic name. I believe [name_m]Zayn[/name_m] is the Arabic spelling and [name_m]Zane[/name_m] is more common with [name_f]English[/name_f] speakers

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It can be so difficult to find a name that you love for the long run.

[name_f]My[/name_f] favorites cross cultural names:

[name_u]Elias[/name_u] / [name_m]Ilyas[/name_m] / [name_m]Ilyes[/name_m]

Favorites Arabic names:


I’ve been working with kids for years and met many with both Arabic and north american origins. Their names were [name_m]Adam[/name_m], [name_u]Elias[/name_u], Zacharya, [name_m]Malik[/name_m] and [name_m]Jawad[/name_m]. I hope you find a name that feels right for the long run!


I second [name_u]Idris[/name_u]. It feels very cross cultural to me and although some people mightn’t be familiar with it it’s easy enough to pronounce. I also like [name_u]Amir[/name_u], [name_m]Rafi[/name_m], [name_m]Omar[/name_m], [name_u]Elias[/name_u] and second the previous poster’s suggestion of [name_m]Zayn[/name_m].

In terms of feeling sure about the name you pick… I’m not sure you ever do? I ruminated like crazy over my kids’ names and went back and forth but I do/did have some names I’ve loved for a long time and knew I’d never go off, so that did help. I basically had a small pool of names that I knew I’d be happy with, so it was about getting my partner to be happy with at least one of them.

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you have any boys names that you’ve always liked/loved?

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some arabic that are easily pronounced in english:
[name_u]Zaire[/name_u] (:heart_eyes:)
[name_u]Zahir[/name_u] (:heart_eyes:)

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Thank you so much. How was Elias/Ilias pronounced in english? Like E-li-yas? I do love that name in arabic but find it getting butchered when pronounced in english.

You’re welcome! Elias was pronounced Ay-lee-as. I also met a boy of Arabic origins named Ilyas. Pronunciation was E-li-yas. Both boys loved their names :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! That does make me feel better. I dont have any that i’ve always loved. Wish i did. The ones I like seem to change over time.

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Naming someone is such a hard thing - it’s understandable that it’s difficult and stressful. I really hope you can find something you love :heart::heart:

A couple of suggestions


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Don’t stress and try not to feel pressure - a name will come to you. [name_f]Remember[/name_f] you don’t have to decide/finalise the name right after birth - most places allow at least a couple of months. Suggest [name_m]Adam[/name_m] - it defines timeless and cross cultural. [name_u]Or[/name_u] [name_u]Ezra[/name_u] perhaps? I don’t know much about Arabic names, but love the names [name_m]Omar[/name_m], [name_m]Imran[/name_m] and [name_u]Amir[/name_u].

I’ve just seen this after commenting on your other post! I really like the suggestion of [name_m]Zane[/name_m]! And I also like the name Tahar. I do still think [name_m]Laith[/name_m] would be great for you though!!