A brother for Raphael

Sweet baby #1 is [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Felix[/name_m]. We’re having a terrible time choosing a name for his little brother! We like Wilde for a middle name, it has significance for us. :slight_smile:

Names that I liked but we’ve decided against:

Names I like but can’t get hubby excited about:

The only name we actually both like is [name_m]Jack[/name_m] (nn for family name [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m]) but I can’t make myself love it. I kind of see us never deciding on a name and just naming him [name_m]Jack[/name_m] because we couldn’t think of anything we liked! Please help!

[name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Felix[/name_m] is gorgeously handsome! I think [name_m]Jack[/name_m] would be a bit short next to [name_m]Raphael[/name_m], especially with a one syllable middle name, so hopefully you’ll find something you like.

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Abraham[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Caspian[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Alasdair[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Fabian[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Atticus[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Gabriel[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Gideon[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Julian[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Edmund[/name_m] Wilde - could get nickname [name_u]Teddy[/name_u]
[name_m]Dashiell[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Philip[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Ambrose[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Cassius[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Ephraim[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Leopold[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Phineas[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Christopher[/name_m]/[name_m]Christian[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Nicholas[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]William[/name_m] Wilde (but probably too alliterative)
[name_u]Everett[/name_u] Wilde
[name_u]Elliott[/name_u] Wilde

Thank you for the suggestions! I really like your suggestion [name_m]Gideon[/name_m] Wilde…I think I’ll run that by the hubs :slight_smile:

I think both [name_m]Timothy[/name_m] and [name_m]Theodore[/name_m] fit [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] perfectly. [name_m]Jack[/name_m] could make a very handsome middle name for both. Good luck, mama! I love the pp’s suggestion of [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] for you, would go perfectly with [name_m]Raphael[/name_m].

[name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Felix[/name_m] is such a handsome combo! I think another romantic name would go great with [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] and the middle name Wilde:

[name_m]Amadeo[/name_m]/[name_m]Amedeo[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Armando[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Julian[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Caspian[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Stefano[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Matteo[/name_m] Wilde
[name_m]Antonio[/name_m] Wilde

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

I think [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m], [name_m]Julian[/name_m], and [name_m]Leopold[/name_m] nn [name_m]Leo[/name_m] are great suggestions.


Some good names to go with [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] are


[name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Felix[/name_m] is a knockout name, congrats on that one !!!

[name_m]Jack[/name_m] is cute but sounds a bit plain next to it.

Some names that hold their own against [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Felix[/name_m]:

[name_m]Dante[/name_m] Wilde
[name_u]Everett[/name_u] Wilde
[name_m]Otto[/name_m] Wilde

Agree that [name_m]Gideon[/name_m] Wilde is a v handsome combo too

Good luck!

I’ve been crushing on [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] recently. I think it would go nicely with brother [name_m]Raphael[/name_m].