A Character and Family Thread 1

This is where me and the lovely @cara_murvolio discuss our character concepts.

Chelsea Alicia Caravella (22) is a young woman who is an actress and pop singer living in Los Angeles. She was part of her girl group Dynamite Queens until last year when they broke up and went solo. She has been with her boyfriend since high school, and they have a daughter together.

[name_f]Grace[/name_f] [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] Hyer (22) is another former member of Dynamite Queens and served somewhat as Chelsea’s rival during their time as a group together. Having come from a very turbulent, unhappy home, she envied the stability and happiness her bandmate had found - channelling this in her work ethic and determination to succeed as an artist, as music was the shining light throughout her childhood, that helped her not fall into complete despair. Trained in piano and guitar alongside vocals, she’s switched her style to become softer and lyrically more personal, finding her success in the indie market quickly; and now she’s decided to experiment with more soft, folk music based sounds, finding them very soothing, which she admits helps combat her prickly social tendencies.

In spite of breaking up, the Queen’s meet up regularly and [name_f]Grace[/name_f] has become a little less withdrawn now she’s found her niche. Only one of the other girls’ knows the full details of her horrible experiences as a child, and they’ve become best friends - which some would find awkward, as the girl [name_f]Grace[/name_f] is so close to happens to be the sister of Chelsea’s boyfriend, bringing the pair into more frequent contact. As of now, [name_f]Grace[/name_f] is living with a good friend she’s known since middle school and has adopted a rescue cat named [name_u]Sasha[/name_u], who she’s bonded with on account of being patient in spite of his moody nature. She’s been in a long distance relationship since she was 19 with an opera singer who’s from Latvia, and recently has been making plans for her girlfriend to visit - another act which has brightened her up considerably.


Tasha Veronica McLean (22) is the third former member of Dynamite Queens. After the band broke up, she recently moved in with her bestie, who recently celebrated her 23rd birthday, with her husband, whom they have a son together. She recently announced she was pregnant with her second child.

[name_f]Elodia[/name_f] [name_u]Ruby[/name_u] Perrott (22) is the final former member of Dynamite Queens and always proved herself to be the most level-headed member, dealing with whatever drama erupted within the group and served as the main listening ear to [name_f]Grace[/name_f]. She’s the eldest of 5 and serves as a big sister to others’ outside of her family, including her bandmates; although her home life is deliberately much more stress free in order to avoid stress constantly coming her way. [name_f]Elodia[/name_f] lives with her fiancé - who’s non-binary - and their two rescue cats: Flare and Cosmos. Children are definitely something she wants but unlike [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u] and [name_f]Tasha[/name_f], she knows now isn’t the right time for them as a couple, instead happily serving as babysitter and surrogate aunt to her friend’s kids. Not much seems to phase her but she’s avidly involved in political causes, especially those relating to WOC and their struggles, thanks to having faced prejudice throughout her own childhood which she wants to put an end to.

Now, [name_f]Elodia[/name_f] is fully embracing her grunge musical routes and has found huge success with the harder style she’s now performing; letting more of her frustrations and anger out through this style. She was raised on [name_m]Riot[/name_m] Grrl tracks by her single mother and is currently considering fully embodying this musical style, although she’s holding back for now as she focuses on establishing her solo work firmly. With her fiancé, she’s also working on repairing the property they bought together into being much more environmentally friendly and self-sufficient - being a very practical person who’s always willing and ready to get her hands dirty. This experience has only bought them closer together and she’s delighted, as the engagement caused a lot of media interest neither of them enjoyed or wanted.