Playing with combos, because it looks like I won’t be getting any sleep tonight.
Any in particular you would absolutely cross off or any you enjoy?
I’ve left our surname in the combo list because I think it helps to get the full flow? So I might come back to edit it out for the sake of privacy should we ever use any of these.
Della Storer
Della Nadine Storer
Della Estelle Storer
Della Jane Storer
Della Magdalene Storer
Della Dorothy Storer
Della Delphine Storer
Heidi Storer
Heidi Nadine Storer
Heidi Delphine Storer
Heidi Maxine Storer
Lucelia Storer (nn Lu)
Lucelia Estelle Storer
Lucelia Anne Storer
Lucelia Joyce Storer
Lucelia Jane Storer
Lucelia Grace storer
Lucette Estelle Storer
Farrah Storer (nn Effie?)
Farrah Fae / Faye Storer
Farrah Faith Storer
Farrah Dorothea Storer
Farrah Florianne Storer
Farrah Jane Storer
Farrah Luelle Storer
Farrah Pearl Storer
Farrah Anne Storer
Farrah Francine Storer
Farrah Nadine Storer
Farrah Felicity Storer
Farrah Bea Storer
Farrah Béatrice Storer
Farrah Anne Beatrice Storer
Farrah Estelle Storer
Farrah Lucille Storer
Farrah Roselle Storer
Farrah Rheanne Storer
Farrah Renée Storer
Farrah Annemarie Storer
Farrah Rosalie Storer
Farrah Reece Storer
Dorothea Storer (nn Dottie)
Dorothy Nadine Storer
Dottie Nadine
Dorothea Jane nn Dottie Jane
Dorothea Estelle Storer
Dorothy Annemarie Storer
Estelle Storer (nn Essie? Stell?)
Estelle Jane Storer
Estelle Joyce Storer
Estelle Ingrid Storer
Estelle Sloane Storer
Estelle Scarlett Storer
Estelle Maribel Storer
Estelle Isobel Storer
Lettie Storer
Lettie = joy, gladness
Lettie Estelle Storer
Lettie Jane Storer
Lettie Lucille Storer
Lettie Louise Storer
Lettie Tallulah Storer
Lettie Nadine Storer
Lettie Annemarie Storer
Tallulah nn Lula
Tallulah Estelle Storer
Tallulah Jane Storer
Tallulah Grace Storer
Tabitha nn Tabs? Bia? Or Tibby?
“In the scriptures, she is described as a woman “full of good works and almsdeeds” (Acts 9:36”
Tabitha Estelle Storer
Tabitha Blythe Storer
Tabitha Louise Storer
Tabitha Nadine Storer
Etta Jane Storer
Etta Estelle Storer
Etta Jane Estelle Storer
Etta Lucelia Anne Storer
Etta Dorothea Storer
Etta Beatrice Storer
Etta Anne Beatrice Storer
Edith Storer (nn Edie)
Edith Blythe Storer
Edith Emmeline Storer
Edith Jeanne nn Edie Jeanne
Edie Delphine Storer
Edith Nadine Storer
Edith Magdalene Storer
Edith Pearl Storer
Edith Estelle Storer
Edith Evangeline Storer
Edith Annemarie Storer
Maxine Evangeline Storer
Maxine Jeanne Storer
Maxine Amelie Storer
Velma Storer
Velma Estelle Storer
Velma Jane Storer
Velma Pearl Storer
Velma Evangeline Storer
Velma Annemarie Storer
Vanna = God is gracious
Vanna Storer
Vanna Evangeline Storer
Vanna Jane Storer
Vanna Grace Storer
Vanna Florianne Storer
Vanna Verity Storer
Vanna Beth Storer
Vanna Fern Storer
Nadine Storer
Nadine Eve Storer
Nadine Evangeline Storer
Nadine Annemarie Storer