A little girl needs a pretty name

This baby has taken 9 years to conceive. I am 33 years old. If it is a girl, I may never have another one.

I’ve ALWAYS loved [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] (carrying the same meaning as my mom’s and my name: lady of honor, nobility)…

then together my husband and I discovered our love of the name [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] (meaning [name_f]Hope[/name_f]) several years ago.

But which one?

I’m so tempted to use them together ([name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f]) for fear this is our only child, but I’ve always pictured [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] and [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] as as sister sibset… what if someday we have another little girl? would I ever find any names as lovely or so perfect together? Plus, we have a 4 syllable last name - sounds like Macaroni - what a mouthful!

I’m sure I’m not the only name-nerd-mommy-to-be in this same predicament! Have you ever been and how did you work it out? I’d love to hear your preferences on my names and your own stories! I seriously don’t want to live with baby name regret.


[name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] is lovely! However, [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] seems like the name you might love the most; you say you’ve always loved it plus it has a special meaning to you! What about something like [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Nadine[/name_f]? If you don’t have another daughter, then you still have [name_f]Nadine[/name_f] which is very similar to [name_f]Nadia[/name_f], and if you do have another daughter you could still use [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] for her.

I have not been in your situation. And I can’t decide which side to take.
If both names are meaningful to you and you think you’ll be heartsick should one never be used, use them both. Because you can’t predict the future.
However, it sounds like you’d love to use them both as first names someday. And it sounds like you love them both so much that using just one should bring you lots of joy.
At first I thought use [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] first because you’ve been hoping for this child for almost a decade.
Then I thought, no save [name_f]Nadia[/name_f]. It represents your hope that you will someday give [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] a sister. If I had to chose for you with just the information I had I think this is what I’d chose.
That said, they’re both lovely names. You’ve put a lot of thought into both. They are beautiful separately and together. If you have a daughter, she’ll have a spectacular name regardless of which name you chose.
Good luck and congratulations again!!

This is such thoughtful, beautiful advice, and I second every word.

Go with [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f]

Congrats! I say use them both. [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] or [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] are stunning. I am always in favout of using the names you love instead of keeping them for future possibility (unless you have plenty of options, of course).

I think you should use both names on this child. It’s possible that you will have one or two or three other children that are all boys, or no more at all. I think you will find another name you love for a second daughter if you have one. And honestly I don’t think the world would end if you used the first girl’s middle name as the next girl’s first name if you really wanted to. Family names get repeated in families all the time, and it would actually create an interesting connection between them.

I will say that I’ve had this same problem in a hypothetical sense. I cannot conceive with my partner, so children will be a complicated undertaking for us (we’re both women). So I’ve thought a lot about the possibility that if we ever have a child it will be our only one. I have two names that I love for a girl and I don’t know if I’d want to use them both on one child, rather than the pair of sisters I always imagined having those names. It’s a difficult question, since you just don’t know what the future will hold. So it can really go either way. But I think in your case, after TTC for so long, I’d suggest that you use both names now. But if you want to save one, I think that’s fine too.

By the way, if you’re only choosing one this time around, I say go with [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f]. The one you’ve always loved should be used first I think. Either name is a solid choice though.

many many congratulations on your little girl :):slight_smile:

I would suggest [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Nadine[/name_f] and to save [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] for of you have another girl. I think it would make a beautiful link in the sib set but if you are thinking as you explained this may be your only daughter I would use both of the names you love [name_f]Adelaine[/name_f] [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] as all combinations are stunning honestly!

I think you should use [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] as this has more meaning to up. While you would regret not using the name [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] at all, I think it is worth the risk and I agree with @fromtheocean12 and @llbaby22

Congratulations. I can’t imagine how much of a relief it must be to get pregnant after so long!
[name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] and [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] both sound lovely. If you’re worried about not having another child to use one of those names, then do it. I don’t think the long surname is an issue. [name_m]How[/name_m] often do you use first, middle and last names? Usually it’s just first and last, or first and middle if not first alone.
Alternatively, you could pick one, and use a form of the second as the middle. Such as [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adele[/name_f]/[name_f]Adeline[/name_f]/[name_f]Adella[/name_f] or [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Nadine[/name_f]/Nadelle/Nadrine. That way if you do have a second daughter, you could name her [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] or [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] respectively, and while it would be similar to her sister’s middle name, it would still be different.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m so so happy for you. :slight_smile:

I know a couple of Nadias and I think it’s beautiful, touching, meaningful name. I totally understand you wanting to use [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] but also sort of wanting to save it for your future child - I’ve been there myself when naming my daughter, and I decided to use both names. I’m pregnant with my third child now, sex unknown, so I might have another daughter, and I don’t regret not saving this name for her at all - I’ve found many more names I love just as much that can be just hers. It just feels right.

Anyway, what I wanna say is listen to your heart, it knows everything. Your daughter will have a wonderful name regardless of what you choose.

[name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] or [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] are both beautiful so you really can’t go wrong here. I would definitely use both as you don’t know what may happen in the future. Another name that you may like that has some elements of each is [name_f]Anastasia[/name_f]-- it means resurrection.

I understand your fear of using a middle name for a current child and losing it for a future first name! I adore the two combined but I also think [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] as a first name is so timeless and fantastic! You cant go wrong here!

First off, congratulations!

Secondly, I think [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] is beautiful and that you would be incredibly happy with that choice. [name_m]How[/name_m] meaningful it would be for you and your partner. I do like [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] better as the first name, only for flow.

Last thoughts: I think [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] and [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] would be a great set of sisters, too. I think I would save one for a future babe. I have two girl family names that I am determined to use. I could have used them both on my first daughter, but I decided to save one. I don’t regret it. I know I might never get to use the other, and while that makes me sad, I love my daughter’s name and it is perfect for her. I want to feel the same way if I have another girl, not feel like I have to search for something as good.

Possibly you could find names with similar meanings? There are many names that mean “hope” and “nobility,” or you could look for other significant meanings; “joy,” “gift,” or a colorful, rainbow name for this rainbow baby!

[name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Hope[/name_f] would be a beautiful combination if you choose not to use [name_f]Nadia[/name_f]. I also like [name_f]Alice[/name_f], [name_f]Iris[/name_f], [name_f]Eliana[/name_f], [name_f]Jane[/name_f], and [name_f]Thea[/name_f] for their various meanings. Good luck!

Warmest congratulations, @iwillpraise!

I am thrilled for you as you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your first child this year!

After reading your seven-year thread history, my heart wants you to be able to use your top name loves of all time.

Are they still [name_f]Emma[/name_f] and [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f], [name_m]Gabriel[/name_m] and [name_m]Tobiah[/name_m]/[name_m]Tobias[/name_m]?

Stylistically, they would make an ideal sibling set.

My prayer is that you’ll be blessed with four children!

I would go with [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] [name_f]Nadia[/name_f]…so pretty!

I know this probably isnt what you want to hear…but I dont like [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] and [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] together. They have a lot of the same sounds to them. Its just a bit of mouthful. And out of the 2, I like [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] a lot more.

Thank you to all who have been so incredibly helpful and have given of yourself (emotions, advice, friendship) to be part of my journey. I have been [name_f]MIA[/name_f] these past days, and although my appreciation is great, I cannot quite bring myself to read the remainder of the new comments. Our baby came earlier than expected and is now an angel baby.

It was much much too early to know whether boy or girl, so we’ve decided to go through with the unisex name

[name_u]Josie[/name_u] [name_m]Hart[/name_m]

meaning: Jehovah Increases/God supports and heals (this little life gave us true hope that having a family of our own is indeed POSSIBLE!)

and of course, this baby is the baby of our heart, always in our heart; and thinking of strength in the form of a stag… much like the story of Hinds’ Feet in High Places.

Yes, despite sadness, God is still faithful, true and worthy to be praised. Tbh, I thought I might not name this baby because it hurt more to think of naming a baby who’d never hear his/her name spoken in this life. But my husband encouraged me to because we’ve been strongly encouraged to by others with similar stories that it really does help to heal your heart.

When my husband suggested [name_u]Josie[/name_u] this weekend, we had absolutely no clue what it meant. We had often discussed [name_m]Josiah[/name_m], and he thought [name_u]Josie[/name_u] would be a cute nod to it either boy or girl. It just seemed right and when I looked it up this morning, I discovered how names truly are a gift from above. We had already chosen to live our life in gratefulness and trust no matter what the days ahead bring, and our little one’s name has proved we are going in the right direction.

Extra prayers certainly appreciated <3

Thank you to all who have been so incredibly helpful and have given of yourself (emotions, advice, friendship) to be part of my journey. I have been [name_f]MIA[/name_f] these past days, and although my appreciation is great, I cannot quite bring myself to read the remainder of the new comments. Our baby came earlier than expected and is now an angel baby.

It was much much too early to know whether boy or girl, so we’ve decided to go through with the unisex name

[name_u]Josie[/name_u] [name_m]Hart[/name_m]

meaning: Jehovah Increases/God supports and heals (this little life gave us true hope that having a family of our own is indeed POSSIBLE!)

and of course, this baby is the baby of our heart, always in our heart; and thinking of strength in the form of a stag… much like the story of Hinds’ Feet in High Places.

Yes, despite sadness, God is still faithful, true and worthy to be praised. Tbh, I thought I might not name this baby because it hurt more to think of naming a baby who’d never hear his/her name spoken in this life. But my husband encouraged me to because we’ve been strongly encouraged to by others with similar stories that it really does help to heal your heart.

When my husband suggested [name_u]Josie[/name_u] this weekend, we had absolutely no clue what it meant. We had often discussed [name_m]Josiah[/name_m], and he thought [name_u]Josie[/name_u] would be a cute nod to it either boy or girl. It just seemed right and when I looked it up this morning, I discovered how names truly are a gift from above. We had already chosen to live our life in gratefulness and trust no matter what the days ahead bring, and our little one’s name has proved we are going in the right direction.

Extra prayers certainly appreciated <3

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