I decided to think up another story so I can take a little break from my other one, and now I’ve reach the character naming part of story planning.
A bit about the character:
He’s the 2nd son and middle child, I don’t have an exact age yet but he could be around 8-10.
He’s also mighty competitive like character 3, but in sports and arts instead of academically. He’s on the track/running team and takes karate (later on in his teen years he also takes dance classes). His life motto is basically “If I can’t be good at (thing), then I’ll be good at something else”.
For names, I wanted a Leo just because in some odd way it fits? So I had 2 names ready, but then I saw another name suggested by @Aelo on the character 3 poll and decided to put that in!
- Leopold nn Leo
- Leander nn Leo
- Leonidas nn Leo
- Other (Suggest!)