A name to go with sibs Chloe and Dax....?

liking [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Maggie[/name], [name]Eli[/name] and [name]Arthur[/name]…

Is [name]Dax[/name] short for something? [name]Chloe[/name], [name]Dax[/name], and [name]Maggie[/name] work GREAT together (I think they all have a relaxed, friendly vibe). [name]Juliet[/name] seems a bit formal by comparison, but if [name]Dax[/name] is short for something, maybe [name]Juliet[/name] wouldn’t feel that way, esp. with nn [name]Julie[/name] or [name]Lia[/name]. I think that [name]Elliot[/name] nn [name]Eli[/name] would totally fit right in, too (not sure why just [name]Eli[/name] doesn’t fit as well for me…). [name]Arthur[/name] feels older/clunkier than your kids’ names, but I do really like their sounds together. I would also recommend…

[name]Juniper[/name] or just [name]June[/name]
[name]Pippa[/name] or [name]Piper[/name]

[name]Samuel[/name] or just [name]Sam[/name]
[name]Finn[/name] or [name]Flynn[/name]

I just have to say how much I love the name [name]Dax[/name]! [name]Chloe[/name] is very sweet too and I like it so much better than [name]Zoe[/name].

Out of the names you listed I would choose [name]Eli[/name] and [name]Maggie[/name]. I think [name]Eli[/name] works just great with [name]Dax[/name] and [name]Chloe[/name] – actually I’m less thrilled with the girls’ choices even though [name]Maggie[/name] is also a favorite name of mine. I think I like it less because it is so nicknamey, and I don’t see [name]Dax[/name], [name]Chloe[/name] or [name]Eli[/name] as nicknamey.

I think that [name]Juliet[/name] is cute with [name]Chloe[/name] but I don’t get it with [name]Dax[/name] AT ALL, [name]Juliet[/name] just seems so formal. [name]Arthur[/name] kind of falls into the same category of formality, even though I think it is “okay but not great” with [name]Dax[/name], I like it less with [name]Chloe[/name].

I think [name]Pippa[/name], [name]Nora[/name] and [name]Willow[/name] from pp are great suggestions with your set!

Wow! [name]Chloe[/name] and [name]Dax[/name] are super cool!
[name]Juliet[/name] seems too frilly, but nn [name]Jules[/name] helps
Maybe [name]Meg[/name] instead of [name]Maggie[/name], or use the nn [name]Mags[/name]? [name]Maggie[/name] seems incomplete to me though and [name]Margaret[/name] wouldn’t work at all
[name]Eli[/name] seems to fit.
[name]Arthur[/name] does not. It’s too formal sounding.
[name]Mae[/name], [name]Maeve[/name], [name]Eve[/name], [name]Viva[/name], [name]Brynn[/name], [name]Phoebe[/name], [name]Sophie[/name], [name]Leta[/name], [name]Honor[/name], [name]Verity[/name], [name]Zinnia[/name]?
[name]Leo[/name], [name]Levi[/name], [name]Lev[/name], [name]Vaughn[/name], [name]West[/name], [name]Huxley[/name], [name]Tate[/name], [name]Teague[/name], [name]Nash[/name], [name]Jett[/name], Chord?