A Summary of the Month names!...thoughts?

Last night I was thinking about season and month names, so voila! Here is kind of how I feel about them and I was wondering if you agree and if there are any on this list that stand out as either good or bad.
January-Kind of nice, interesting and unique sounding. I think this one only works on a girl, and furthermore a girl born in [name_u]January[/name_u]. One problem, the possibility of the nickname “Jan”, which is more of an old lady name yet to circle back.
February-If [name_u]January[/name_u], why not [name_u]February[/name_u]? I could see this on a boy or girl, it’s just a little odd…plus some people would spell it wrong.
March-Rather plain, I think you would need to have a very flashy last name like Valentini or something for this to work.
April-Tried and true-when you hear this, do you think adorable baby, or middle aged teacher? Honestly, I think both-but still like the name.
May-Short sweet, and stylish. I’m only just noticing how female dominated the spring month names are.
June-I love how this is another name that packs a lot of sugar in one syllable.
July-I think this one is so underused! It is so cool and carries a lot of flair!
August-For a boy, I really like this one, especially because of the cute nickname “Auggie”. Are the “Wonder” associations too strong?
September-I actually kind of like this on a fierce, independent girl.
October-I feel like this one is just a little odd, but I would use it on a boy versus a girl.
November-I secretly adore this and I also think “Novy” is cute!
December-I like it ONLY if the baby is actually born in [name_u]December[/name_u]. It could be an alternative to the likes of [name_f]Carol[/name_f], [name_f]Noelle[/name_f], and [name_u]Holly[/name_u].
Spring-Interesting, but I doubt I would use it.
Summer-Pretty, but I would avoid it due to it’s popularity.
Autumn-Sweet! This one is very elegant and poetic in a nice way.
Winter-This less heard of season name is actually very cool!
So-what do you guys think? What are some other season related names?

[name_u]January[/name_u] and [name_u]February[/name_u] feel too clunky to me to consider them names, I only see the months.
[name_u]March[/name_u] is not bad, but tbh when I see it in a combo I think of “to march” and “marsh” before I see the month. But I think it works well, especially on a boy!
[name_f]April[/name_f] is cool. If I’d have to picture her, most likely a spunky, confident 20something, but I think it’s established enough to work on anyone.
I agree about [name_f]May[/name_f], it’s sweet and stylish. Not necessarily a month name though, I can also just see it as a shortform of Mary/Margaret names
[name_u]June[/name_u] is nice. I consider it a month name but also just an established name.
[name_u]July[/name_u] is better as a form of [name_f]Julia[/name_f] (prn like Julie) than the month imo. But wither works I guess.
[name_u]August[/name_u] - I grew up with a language that spells the name and the month the same but says them differently, therefore using the month as a name is really odd to me. Also it’s strictly male to me! [name_u]Augustine[/name_u] works on either. And I have no idea what association you mean :sweat_smile:
[name_u]September[/name_u], [name_u]October[/name_u], [name_u]November[/name_u], [name_u]December[/name_u] - a mouthful, but I could see them work. Especially [name_u]November[/name_u] has a really decent sound. I think they lean slightly female? Not by much though.

I don’t think any of these should only be given to babies born in that month. On the contrary, if you use them only because the baby was born then it feels so plain, like a piece of dry information rather than the rich imagery connected to the month.

[name_f]Spring[/name_f] - I don’t really like it, and think of water rather than the month first. I think [name_f]Blossom[/name_f] works better to get a similar imagery.
[name_f]Summer[/name_f] is probably my favorite of them all. It feels like a prim and proper name without loosing the beautiful connection to the season.
[name_f]Autumn[/name_f] is a bit awkward to spell, and makes for a very heavy wordname, rich with imagery. That being said it’s quite pretty, but for me personally just too much.
[name_u]Winter[/name_u] isn’t bad, but the related symbolism isn’t exclusively good, which is probably why it has never been as widely used as [name_f]Summer[/name_f]. But I do like it!

Not counting the months that are already established names.

I find [name_u]January[/name_u] and [name_u]February[/name_u] to sound incredibly awkward, not just as names but as words.

[name_u]March[/name_u] works but better as a middle name.

[name_u]July[/name_u] I don’t mind.

[name_u]September[/name_u] & [name_u]October[/name_u] feel rather name-like; but I would only use them if I had a special connection to either.

[name_u]November[/name_u] also flows well but I don’t love how it looks.

[name_u]December[/name_u] is just way too Christmas-related for me, though just like the other-ember names it flows well enough.

[name_f]My[/name_f] favourites of these are [name_u]March[/name_u] & [name_u]September[/name_u].

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I like all the month names except [name_u]February[/name_u], and I’m neutral on [name_f]May[/name_f] and [name_u]August[/name_u]. I kind of like [name_f]Autumn[/name_f] and [name_f]Summer[/name_f].

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