Part 1: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums
Part 2: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums
[name_m]Dice[/name_m]: Wizards of the Coast
One Year Later
The families on the S.S. [name_m]Ulysses[/name_m] have made it to dry land. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] 1 D6.
The land they’ve hit is hot and wet - full of lush jungles and abundant plant and food life. While those who are healthy thrive in the environment, the elderly and young suffer from the heat and diseases flourish. If anyone was infected with disease in the last round, 2 people die (either the original infected person and one other, or two who were infected by them). For all other island residents who are either younger than six or older than sixty-five, roll 1 D10. If the number is 1-7, they live. If it’s 8-10, they die from heat exhaustion or dehydration. Each doctor among your population may save 1 person from dying (this includes anyone who learned medicine while on the journey).
They’ve run into what seems to be the lush land at the edge of a desert. While food sources are scarce, they’re able to make do. That is, until people start disappearing in the middle of the night. By the end of the year, six people have disappeared. If there are any military folk or police among your population, each one has saved one person from being kidnapped. If there are any academics, they’ve learned that the kidnappers are part of a mysterious nearby civilization.
The shoreline is mostly rock, with the only available shelter being the caves. Months of being in the dark, with constant storming and a steady diet of fish have the group feeling pretty down. Some of the more restless have been talking about going off on their own to explore further inland. If you have at least one scientist or academic, as well as at least two artists, singers, socialites or comedians, you manage to convince them to wait until the rainy season is over, and keep them entertained in the dreary environment. Otherwise, you lose 5 people to their impatience when they leave and are not heard from again.
Upon sailing into a beautiful, uninhabited bay, houses are easily built on the shoreline by all families. The land is rich, and the foods are unfamiliar but delicious. Three people take to hunting and fishing, two more plant a large garden behind all of the houses, and one person is appointed leader of the little village.
The ship reaches solid ground earlier than expected, on a peninsula covered in beautiful flowering vines with heavy fruit hanging from them. The group are able to build houses in the thick, strong trees and never have to go far to find something to eat. In the end, it turns out that the richness of the fruit has an unexpected side effect: any pregnancies add a child (single births become twins, twins become triplets, etc.).
When the group reaches dry ground, they find another, smaller group that has just discovered the land as well. While the groups stay mostly separate, they get along well and share resources and new discoveries. Some get along better than others, and two members of your group end up marrying two members of their group.
Family Plots.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] 1 D6 for each family.
Far from their old life and “the real world”, it gets easier and easier to see relationships in a new light. If the family is headed by a couple, they each gain a new love interest, with their partner’s approval. If the family has any other structure, one person now has two love interests.
Sleeping out under the stars and hunting for their own food gives a kid a new kind of confidence. If there are any kids 11-15, they gain a crush on someone. If there are any kids 16-21, they gain a romantic interest.
Someone starts to think they really have the hang of this outdoors life and decides to go fishing with the new spear they made. Unfortunately, there happened to be a hungry shark out that day who takes a good bite out of that person’s side. If there no doctors, they die. If there are any doctors, roll a D6 - 2-4, they live. 1 or 6, they die.
If anyone in the family is 16 or older and unmarried, one of them gets married.
Someone in the family teaches their skill to one other member of the group (i.e. an artist teaches another member to make art, a scientist teaches another about science).
Things have been stressful - if the family is headed by a couple, they split up. Decide which kids go with which parent. If the family is not headed by a couple, one or more of the children leave their parent’s home to make their own.
For any female with a romantic relationship between the ages of 16 and 45, roll 1 D8.
- None.
- Miscarriage.
- Girl.
- Boy.
- Girl/Boy twins.
- Boy/Boy twins.
- Girl/Girl twins.
- Triplets - you choose the genders.
For any female between those ages without a romantic relationship, roll a D12.
- None.
- Miscarriage.
- Girl.
- None.
- None.
- Boy.
- None.
- Twins.
- Miscarriage.
- None.
- Triplets.
- None.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] D20s for FN and MN, as well as LN if needed.
- Random Name Generator - Behind the Name (either, literature + history)
- (random, change one letter)
- GIRLS: If you like flower names, you'll love... | Nameberry BOYS: Boys Bird Names | Nameberry
- Popular Baby Names: 30 Top Names That Are Also Food (But Not Nutella) | Time
- Random Name Generator - Behind the Name (ambiguous, english + german + french)
- Baby names inspired by popular songs | BabyCenter
- (correct gender, first that comes up)
- (10, correct gender, rare)
- Cowboy and Cowgirl Names for your Baby- A-Z, Meanings & More
- Random Name Generator - Behind the Name (either, galician + manx)
- (correct gender, change one letter)
- (10, correct gender, average)
- 101 Names All Your Friends Will Think Are Cool | Nameberry
- Generate a Random Name - Random, French, United States - Fake Name Generator (american, u.s.)
- Angel Names: Angelic Baby Names for Boys, Girls, Any Gender – SheKnows
- Random Name Generator - Behind the Name (either, african + korean)
- Werewolf Names | Nameberry
At the end of the year, everyone is a year older and babies have been born! Tell us what happened to your adventurers this year!