Add to the Story... In Amharic

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock. The figure laughed. “Who else?”

“የኔ ጥሩነት! አስፈራሪኝ እስከ ሞት ድረስ። ኧረ አንተም ታውቀዋለህ! እንዴት ያለ ጭካኔ ነው! ይቅር እንደምችል እርግጠኛ አይደለሁም!” ነገር ግን ፊቷ ላይ ያለው ፈገግታ ሌላ ነገር ተገለጠ።

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.

ፊቷ በድንገት ተጠማዘዘ፣ ፈገግታዋ በጣም ክፉ ከመሆኑም በላይ ፊቷን በማቋረጥ ሊያልፍባት የማይችል ነበር።

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face.

የማታውቀው ሰው በፍርሃትና በድንጋጤ ተነፈሰ - የዓይኖቿ እይታ አንድ ነገር ብቻ ሊሆን ይችላል።

1 Like

The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile.

“እሺ እሺ” ብላ ሳቀች። " ትመጣለህ በህልሜ አየሁ፣ እና አሁን አለህ።" የተከፈተውን የፊት በር ተመለከተች።
“አመሰግናለሁ ጁሊየስ” ንግግሯ በጥላቻ የተሞላ ነበር።

The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile.

እንዴት ነው የአንድ ሰው ስሜት በጣም የሚጓጓ - እና በጣም የተናደደ ሊሆን የሚችለው? አሁን ሁሉም ነገር እንዴት ግልጽ ሊሆን ቻለ – ግን የራሷ አእምሮ በጣም ጭጋጋማ ነበር?

1 Like

The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?

ሊሊት ኤምሪስን ተቀብላ የካሞሚል ሻይ ስትሰጠው፣ የፊት ገጽታዋን ለምን ያህል ጊዜ እንደምትቀጥል እርግጠኛ አልነበረችም። የቀደመው ተግባሯ አሳዝኖባታል እና በኤምሪስ አካባቢ መሆኗ የሰራችውን እንድትገምት አድርጓታል።

The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When [name_f]Lilith[/name_f] accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done.

ታሪኩን ሲነግራት ቃላቱን ሳይሆን ድምፁን ሰማች። በሽብር የተደላደለ ቢሆንም ፍጹም ነበር ።

The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When [name_f]Lilith[/name_f] accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about [name_u]Emrys[/name_u], so she decided to deceive him.

እንዴት አወቀ? ልትሰደድ ነበር? ሁሉም ነገር ስለ ኤመሪስ ነበር, ስለዚህ እሱን ለማታለል ወሰነች


@XxIzzixX hey isabel, i just wanted to clarify something. i believe you are accidentally playing wrong. what you are supposed to do is translate the sentence in amharic that the previous poster left, and add it to the story. then, you’ll leave another sentence in amharic for the next poster.

The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When Lilith accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emrys, so she decided to deceive him.

“ኤምሪስ፣ የአንተን እርዳታ እፈልጋለሁ… ቤተሰቦቼ በኦሳን ተማርከዋል። እባክህ ሂድ ፈልጋቸው።” ግን ውሸት ነበር።

1 Like

The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When [name_f]Lilith[/name_f] accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emris, so she decided to deceive him. “Emris, I want your help… [name_f]My[/name_f] family is fascinated by Aussa. Please go look for them.” But it was a lie.

ኤምሪስ ሙሉ በሙሉ እውነት እንዳልተናገረች ቢያውቅም “ለአንቺ የሚሆን ነገር የለም” በማለት በትህትና መለሰች።

:flushed: Lol, I thought I was doing something wrong but wasn’t sure what. Thanks for picking up on that though!! :grin:


no worries! i just want to make sure that there aren’t any misunderstandings :grin:


The window slammed shut through the narrow
beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When Lilith accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emris, so she decided to deceive him. “Emris, I want your help… My family is fascinated by Aussa. Please go look for them.” But it was a lie. Emrys replied politely, “Not for anything,” even though he knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth.

እባክህ አልኩ አይደል?" ድምጿን ትንሽ ከፍ አድርጋለች። አግኟቸው!

1 Like

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When [name_f]Lilith[/name_f] accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emris, so she decided to deceive him. “Emris, I want your help… [name_f]My[/name_f] family is fascinated by Aussa. Please go look for them.” But it was a lie. [name_u]Emrys[/name_u] replied politely, “Not for anything,” even though he knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“I said please, didn’t I?” She raised her voice a little. Get them!

ሊሊት መደናገጥ ጀመረች - በጦርነቱ ወቅት ኤምሪስ ያን ጊዜ ሁሉ ሲያደርግ እንደነበረ ታውቃለች እና ኤምሪስ ወደ የእንስሳት መንፈስ የመቀየር ችሎታዋን ማወቅ አልቻለችም። ብቸኛው መንገድ ይህ ነበር።

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When [name_f]Lilith[/name_f] accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emris, so she decided to deceive him. “Emris, I want your help… [name_f]My[/name_f] family is fascinated by Aussa. Please go look for them.” But it was a lie. [name_u]Emrys[/name_u] replied politely, “Not for anything,” even though he knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“I said please, didn’t I?” She raised her voice a little. Get them!
[name_f]Lilith[/name_f] began to panic - she knew Emris had been doing it all that time during the war and Emris couldn’t tell her ability to turn into an animal spirit. That was the only way.

ከዚያም ራሷን እየነቀነቀች አጸዳችለት፤ ከዚያም ጥልቅ እስትንፋስ አነፈሰችለት፤ ከዚያም በእሱ ላይ ሳቀች። “እንግዲህ እንደዚህ ነው የምትፈልገው?” እሷም ጥያቄ አነበበች ።

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When Lilith accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emris, so she decided to deceive him. “Emris, I want your help… My family is fascinated by Aussa. Please go look for them.” But it was a lie. Emrys replied politely, “Not for anything,” even though he knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“I said please, didn’t I?” She raised her voice a little. Get them!
Lilith began to panic - she knew Emris had been doing it all that time during the war and Emris couldn’t tell her ability to turn into an animal spirit. That was the only way.
She then shook her head and cleaned it up, took a deep breath and laughed at him. " Is that how you want it?" she read.

“ምንም ነገር ላደርግልህ ነበር” በማለት ኤምሪስ ቃል ገባ።

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When Lilith accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emris, so she decided to deceive him. “Emris, I want your help… My family is fascinated by Aussa. Please go look for them.” But it was a lie. Emrys replied politely, “Not for anything,” even though he knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“I said please, didn’t I?” She raised her voice a little. Get them!
Lilith began to panic - she knew Emris had been doing it all that time during the war and Emris couldn’t tell her ability to turn into an animal spirit. That was the only way.
She then shook her head and cleaned it up, took a deep breath and laughed at him. " Is that how you want it?" she read. “I would do anything for you,” [name_u]Emrys[/name_u] promised.

ግን ይህ የድሮ ጓደኛዋ ስሪት እንደተለወጠ ታውቃለች።

The window slammed shut through the narrow beams of the luna roof, which shone into the air. She hurried back in, and sipped her hot tea. Nowadays, the chamomile tea was the only thing to soothe her. Likewise, she could not worry about the events of the night. She sat down on her chair and drank her tea, very calm. Slowly she forgot that the door was locked and went to sleep.
It was not the knock at the door but the soft human voice. Confused, she woke up and said, “Who’s there?”
The mysterious stranger did not speak, but scratched the wooden panel of the cabinet. The girl has to squint her eyes to focus on the stranger in the dark, and she wonders how this mysterious person got inside. She eased herself from her chair and looked up at the skylight and stars, trying to find her constellation, knowing it would comfort her. Two years ago, she named her star “Julius” because these stars gave her incomparable comfort. It was strange to find solace in the stars, but now it was the only thing she had. Who can she trust after “that”?
“Julius, give me strength,” she whispered as the stranger approached and the sound of scratching grew louder. Then, suddenly, she felt vulnerable in a vocabulary.
Then the moonlight illuminated the room and the mysterious body was bathed in light. But then her eyes fell and she fell to the ground and cried in agony because she had so much life to give. “How are you doing here?” she shouted, struggling to keep her voice up.
“I’m here to save you and take you to your lover.”
“Emrys?” The girl gasped in shock.
The figure laughed. “Who else?”
“My Goodness! To the death of a warner. You know him too! What a cruelty!” But the smile on her face revealed something else.
Her face suddenly contorted, her smile so evil that it was impossible for her to cross her face. The stranger gasped in fear and shock - the look in her eyes could only mean one thing.
“Okay, okay,” she giggled. “I dreamed you would come, and now you have.” She looked at the open front door.
“Thank you, Julius,” Her words were almost hostile. How can one’s emotions be so passionate - and so angry? How could everything be so clear now – but her own mind was so foggy?
When Lilith accepted Emris and gave him a camomil tea, she wasn’t sure how long she would continue her facial features. She was saddened by her former work and the fact that she was in the Emris area made her guess what she had done. When he told her the story, she heard his voice, not his words. It was full of terror but perfect. How did he know? Was it to be compulsing? Everything was about Emris, so she decided to deceive him. “Emris, I want your help… My family is fascinated by Aussa. Please go look for them.” But it was a lie. Emrys replied politely, “Not for anything,” even though he knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“I said please, didn’t I?” She raised her voice a little. Get them!
Lilith began to panic - she knew Emris had been doing it all that time during the war and Emris couldn’t tell her ability to turn into an animal spirit. That was the only way.
She then shook her head and cleaned it up, took a deep breath and laughed at him. " Is that how you want it?" she read. “I would do anything for you,” Emrys promised. But she knew this version of her old friend had changed.

ከሁሉ የሚከፋው እንዴት እንደተለወጠች አላወቀችም።

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