Adding names on a list

I am having trouble adding names on my lists. Before I’d just click on the “[name_m]Add[/name_m] [name] to list” and I’d choose the list and add the name to it.

Now after the site has been updated this is not possible. I click “Add [name] to list” and it directs to another page where I could create another list and I don’t want to do that, I just want to add the name on a list I already have, and so I click “View all my lists” and then manually add the name to a list.

So it really isn’t having trouble adding a name to a list, but it used to be easier (yes, I am lazy). So, I am wondering is this a new thing, is there a bug on my server or is there another update coming?

Just wondering :slight_smile:

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] @renee seance,

Thanks for flagging this. We have had a few complaints of similar happening and I’m afraid I don’t know the answer, but I will forward this on to tech support and hopefully it can be sorted out soon!

Alright, thank you for answering! :slight_smile:

Is it still happening? I’ve heard nothing back yet.

I still have problems when trying to add names to my lists :frowning:

@rouverture Sorry to hear that :frowning: I’m going to send this thread across again.

I’m having the same problem here!
I’m a name addict so I’m really missing being able to make my lists!

I’m having the same problem :frowning:

This has now been fixed.