
My partner loves the name [name]Addison[/name] for a boy. I’m growing quite fond of it too, however I noticed it’s become more and more popular as a girl’s name. I knew a boy named [name]Ashley[/name] growing up and even though I know it was originally used for boys he got teased for having a feminine name. I’m wondering if it is still new enough that we won’t have to worry about this or if we should just let it go.

I think it’s still usable for a boy, I personally have met a handful of boy [name]Addison[/name]'s and only one girl(spelled [name]Addysen[/name]).

Although [name]Addison[/name] was No# 13 most popular girls name in the US last year (that’s 9,246 girls), it’s never appealed to me as a girls name. Names that end in “son” just scream boy to me. The only reason it’s now a girls name is because parents have a tendency to avoid boys names when they begin to hear them on a girl. I think it’s still quite usable as a boys name. To avoid gender confusion, you would probably have to use the nn [name]Sonny[/name] as opposed to [name]Addie[/name].

I think it can be usable. I do agree that he might get weird looks because of the popularity of [name]Addie[/name] names. (I’ve met an [name]Addison[/name],[name]Addysen[/name],and [name]Adelyn[/name].) But my friend’s boyfriend is an [name]Addison[/name] (in his 20s) and he’s never had any issues.

I wouldn’t use it for a boy. It’s become very popular for girls and a little boy [name]Addison[/name] born today would most likely only run into girls with his name.

It’s a boys name. Giving a boy a boys name is a great idea ; )

It is true that he is more likely to run into girls named [name]Addison[/name] but there is also a chance that he won’t meet any [name]Addison[/name]'s at all. So if the poster and her partner love the name [name]Addison[/name] for a boy then go for it because the only way boy’s can regain names such as [name]Addison[/name] is by people using them.

I personally love [name]Addison[/name] on a boy, I think it’s handsome and has the cute nickname of [name]Sonny[/name].

[name]Addison[/name] is all boy to me and has been for decades. It’s always been in the 500s but recently started dropping as the girls started using it more. That’s what happens when people stop using boy names; they hand them over to the girls. Right now it is trendy for girls but is still classic & vintage for boys.

I guess it depends on where you live. Growing up boy [name]Courtney[/name]/[name]Ashley[/name]/[name]Loren[/name] never had problems but girl [name]Courtney[/name]/[name]Stacey[/name]/[name]Kelly[/name] were teased for having boy names

I love [name]Addison[/name] for a boy!

Addison, like Madison, is another of those names that was never really highly popular for boys that has become much more popular with girls. Looking back there are probably enough boys named Addison that to meet a boy with that name would not be totally shocking like a boy named Mary or Elizabeth would be. But most people I suspect now would still be somewhat surprised and would expect Addison to be a girl.

That said, like any unisex name, confusion can sometimes arise and people deal with it. If that doesn’t bother you then don’t let others talk you out of it. I do think attitudes towards unisex names are changing with people becoming much more accepting of them and in 10 years I expect it will be even less of a big deal than now. But if I were to predict the future I would also say in 5 years time that Addison won’t even be in the top 1000 for boys and that can change the perception of whether it is really unisex or not.

I only see [name]Addison[/name] [which is on my list] for a boy!

I love [name]Addison[/name] for a boy! While I don’t know any personally, I’ve only come across one at work in passing, who was an adorable little baby, and on another baby name site I frequent, a mom from the UK has a little boy named [name]Addison[/name]. The stories his mom tells of him are just adorable, I can just imagine [name]Addison[/name] working on a boy so well because of him. So I’m all for it. :slight_smile: I have known guys named [name]Brooke[/name] and [name]Lynn[/name], and they seem to be fine with it, so I have no problem seeing names like [name]Addison[/name], [name]Harper[/name], and [name]Bailey[/name] on boys, I actually love them. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

[name]Addison[/name] would be great on a boy.

The only [name]Addison[/name] I’ve ever met was a boy and seeing as how it means “son of [name]Adam[/name]”, I think of it as “completely boy”.

While I completely agree with other posters that [name]Addison[/name] is an all boy name, I’m also going to have to agree with the poster that said it probably won’t even be on the top 1000 for boys in 10 years. I think it’s one thing when people know or know of at least one male that has the name, but when they’ve met several girls/young women (my niece [name]Addison[/name] is almost 16, yikes!!) it makes it much more difficult to think of as even a unisex name. I think of the female takeover of [name]Addison[/name] being something like [name]Ashley[/name]. In theory, [name]Ashley[/name] is a wonderful name for a man. In practice… how many female Ashleys have you met, and how many males? I have a male cousin named [name]Ashley[/name] who was going by his middle name by the time he hit middle school due to incessant teasing.

Anyway, all that to say that I certainly don’t find it unusable, but make sure you pick a middle name that you won’t mind your son going by if he (or his classmates) decide that his name is “girly”.