Adler or Alder

Which do you like better: [name_m]Adler[/name_m] or [name_m]Alder[/name_m] and why?

[name_m]Adler[/name_m]. I can’t explain why. I think it’s just more familiar to me and rolls off the tounge better.

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I like [name_m]Alder[/name_m] more! I think its sweet, and I like the nature connection. I’ve known multiple people with the last name [name_m]Adler[/name_m], so I have trouble liking it as a first name. I do like the sound of it, though!

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Another vote for [name_m]Adler[/name_m]!

[name_m]Adler[/name_m] is my favorite! I think it is easier to pronounce. It’s short, but gentle and sweet.
The nature connection is great, but [name_m]Alder[/name_m] makes me think about the word “older”.

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I think [name_m]Adler[/name_m] is easier to say and just sounds more … “right.” Both are nice, though!

[name_m]Adler[/name_m]—much easier to say!

I prefer [name_m]Alder[/name_m]. Makes me think of the tree, so I get a sense of calm, of rootedness. [name_m]Adler[/name_m] always makes me think of “addled,” unfortunately; otherwise, I quite like it.


I adore [name_m]Alder[/name_m]. I like the softer sound and the botanical element especially. I also always think of the song, “The [name_m]Alder[/name_m] Trees” by Alela [name_f]Diane[/name_f] when I hear it which is a very positive association for me.
[name_m]Adler[/name_m] always just reads as a surname to me and sounds harsher.

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I prefer [name_m]Alder[/name_m] - i enjoy the sounds and the woodsy feel

[name_m]Adler[/name_m]. It sounds a bit funkier and feistier. Full of energy!

[name_m]Alder[/name_m] is lovely too, though. It’s got a softer, gentler and more contemplative vibe to me.

I prefer [name_m]Adler[/name_m]! The sound is more attractive to me and I like the [name_m]Sherlock[/name_m] connection.

[name_m]Adler[/name_m] just sounds better. I can see a person having that name all their life, and it’s a really cute name. [name_m]Alder[/name_m] kind of reminds me of the word ‘older’ and the grocery store ‘Aldi’.

I think [name_m]Adler[/name_m] sounds better than [name_m]Alder[/name_m] (which makes me think of Older). But [name_m]Adler[/name_m] also makes me think of [name_f]Irene[/name_f] [name_m]Adler[/name_m] from [name_m]Sherlock[/name_m] [name_m]Holmes[/name_m], which may or may not be a good thing depending on your love of such fiction. For me it would be a big plus.

I have both of these names on my list but I love, love, love [name_m]Adler[/name_m]! I fought hard for it but my husband just wasn’t into it.

[name_m]Alder[/name_m], because this! ^


I find both just the slightest bit awkward to say, but [name_m]Adler[/name_m] still sounds handsome to me. I don’t love the sound of [name_m]Alder[/name_m], but I can see the appeal

They are both great names but I always thought [name_m]Adler[/name_m] was a Jewish name? Could be wrong?

Yes [name_m]Adler[/name_m] is Ashkenazi Jewish last name!