Aerilee vs Aeriani

which do you like more?

Your daughter is already named Aerilee, right? But you worry the name doesn’t suit her?

I think Aeriani has a pretty sound, but it’s even more complex and will be even more difficult to spell than Aerilee. I do think Aerilee sounds like the adverb ‘airily,’ and less like a name.

It is definitely a hassle to change an infant’s name. But if you’re dissatisfied with it and think you made a mistake, I would change it to something you really love. Aeriani sounds like a compromise and another rash decision, which you might regret later, just as you do Aerilee. (I also think Aeriani sounds like a kind of pasta).

What is your daughter’s current middle name? [name]Do[/name] you want to keep that? I saw earlier you liked the name [name]Millicent[/name]-- would you prefer something modern and creative like Aerilee, or something classic and dignified like [name]Millicent[/name]?

Ehh, I’m not really sure. I’m a fan of [name]Aria[/name], so I’m leaning toward Aeriani, but honestly the sound of Aerilee is nicer.
I’m not keen on how either name looks though.

Ariani I’d like best, but really they looks very cutesy and juvenile.

I don’t care for either because they are both trendy and made-up, I would suggest Eirwen or Eirlys, but if I had to choose I would say Aerilee.

Well you know from my post that I’m going through a miniature crush on the name Aerilee (though spelled Airelie). However, to be honest I know it is just a crush - as in I’d get over it and move on.

From what it seems like from your other posts you don’t love Aerilee or Aeriani at all; you just want to make family happy. Ultimately she is YOUR child and you deserve the right to name her what you want. [name]McKenna[/name], [name]Aspen[/name], and [name]Millicent[/name] seem like far better options (from your other post) than both Aerilee and Aeriani and would make YOU much happier. Aerie can always be a nn for the family (as it is a word, so can kind of be a stretch type thing). Please go with what you want and not just stick with an “Aeri” name because your family is guilting you. She’s YOUR baby. Good luck.

the only problem with the other names is my SO doesnt like them .

[name]How[/name] old is the child in question, may I ask?

Names are really difficult, especially with family pressure. My family really hated our choices for our sons, and I let that really bother me…until I realised that I don’t like the names of any of their kids either, so, no big deal, really. Have you thought about starting from scratch to find something you and SO can agree on? [name]Millicent[/name] he may not like, but what about [name]Melisande[/name]? There are literally thousands of names.

she will be 7weeks tommorrow

[name]How[/name] about [name]Ariadne[/name], which is very similar to both of your proposed options? Or [name]Araceli[/name]/[name]Aracely[/name]? I think she is young enough that you can pull of changing the name with minimal discord in your family. They’ll get over it.

Aerilee does sound like “airily,” and I’m not a fan. I like Aeriani. I prefer [name]Arianna[/name], which sounds very similar, but is more classy. Or [name]Ariadne[/name], also very similar. Other suggestions, if you do want to compromise rather than going back to the drawing board - although the drawing board might make you happier, in the long run:

What sorts of names does he like?

Depending on how to want to go, here are some suggestions that maybe won’t cause as many ? Reactions or spelling problems as Aerilee.
