Ainsley & Arcadia

What are your honest opinions on these names? I’m debating mentioning them to my OH but don’t want him to start to fall in love just to realize that there’s something horribly wrong with it (teasibility, nobody will pronounce it correctly, etc).


I really like [name]Arcadia[/name]. If I met somebody with the name I’d be secretly pleased.

[name]Ainsley[/name] does nothing for me.

[name]Ainsley[/name] feels like yet another latecomer to the trend of -ley names for girls. [name]Hayley[/name], [name]Kayley[/name], [name]Ashley[/name], [name]Ainsley[/name], Amberley… etc.

[name]Arcadia[/name] is quite nice.

[name]Arcadia[/name] is cool. I really liked the show [name]Joan[/name] of [name]Arcadia[/name]. It reminds me of that.

[name]How[/name] does [name]Arcadia[/name] [name]June[/name] [name]Baker[/name] sound? Possibly wth the nickname [name]Cadie[/name] J or [name]Caddie[/name] [name]June[/name].

[name]Arcadia[/name] is cool and unexpected. [name]Ainsley[/name] is trendy and unsteady.

I like both names. I think [name]Arcadia[/name] has a nicer sound and meaning though. It also has better nickname potential.

[name]Arcadia[/name] is not my style but okay, but [name]Ainsley[/name] is just too cutesy and trendy for me.

[name]Arcadia[/name] [name]June[/name] is very pretty, interesting and unusual. I don’t like [name]Ainsley[/name] at all. [name]Arcadia[/name] [name]Baker[/name] has a repetitive “ay” sound to it but it’s not a deal-breaker. I would even suggest [name]Darcy[/name]/[name]Darcie[/name] or [name]Dia[/name] (which means “day”) as a nn for an [name]Arcadia[/name]. Sorry but [name]Caddie[/name] [name]June[/name] seems so childish to me.

Thanks for the suggestion of [name]Dia[/name] as a nickname.
I very rarely get to talk names with my SO so I want to make sure that when I do I pick a good one.

I like both of them, although I agree that [name]Ainsley[/name] feels a bit trendy. That’s not necessarily a terrible thing though. And I named my daughter [name]Arcadia[/name] (nn [name]Cadie[/name]) so I love that one. :slight_smile:

[name]Arcadia[/name] is really growing on me, while I’m neutral about [name]Ainsley[/name].
[name]Ainsley[/name] sounds sweet and simple, [name]Arcadia[/name] is stronger. It is pretty, cool, and… different.
I like the nn [name]Dia[/name] or [name]Archie[/name].

I really dislike both names. [name]Ainsley[/name] sounds like Anus and [name]Arcadia[/name] is a type of car and sounds like arcade. [name]How[/name] about instead:

[name]Anna[/name] [name]Lee[/name]

See, I like [name]Ainsley[/name] plus I like the “lee” ending at the end of it for family reasons. However I love the nickname [name]Cadie[/name] and [name]Arcadia[/name] sounds so unexpected for where I live.
Any other suggestions (fn/mn) or combos?

Possible mn’s for both combos:

[name]Arcadia[/name] is amazing, it was on my slightly long list for my baby. It’s gorgeous and fun and wild and happy.

I like [name]Ainsley[/name] too, there was a character on The [name]West[/name] [name]Wing[/name] called [name]Ainsley[/name] and she was so much fun.

My husband likes [name]Ainsley[/name], but I don’t like it quite enough to put on my list. I like [name]Arcadia[/name] and the nickname [name]Cady[/name] ([name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Cady[/name] [name]Stanton[/name] is a hero of mine), but I prefer [name]Acadia[/name] because [name]Arcadia[/name] makes me think of an arcade although it is a beautiful name. I wish I could get past my association!

[name]Ainsley[/name] is a boy’s name, while [name]Arcadia[/name] is very pretty and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Thanks again!
Does [name]Acadia[/name] [name]Baker[/name] sound better than [name]Arcadia[/name] [name]Baker[/name]?

I’m glad someone else mentioned Ainsley Hayes. Arcadia makes me think of Joan of Arcadia. (And now I think I watch too much TV.)
I actually prefer Ainslie spelling. It makes it look less in line with the -ley trend and I like the repetition of the i. It’s actually on my favorites list. (Ainsley/Ainslie is actually unisex.)

Actually, to PP, [name]Acadia[/name] is the car–GMC [name]Acadia[/name]–and also a national park in the US.