Alana or Alanna?

See the results of this poll: Alana or Alanna?

Respondents: 38 (This poll is closed)

  • Alana : 30 (79%)
  • Alanna: 8 (21%)

I’d go with [name_f]Alana[/name_f]. Because the [name_f]Alanna[/name_f] spelling makes me what to pronounce it like “[name_m]AL[/name_m]-[name_f]ANNA[/name_f]” as in rhyming with [name_f]Alabama[/name_f] with I’m not a fan of.

My middle name is [name_f]Alannah[/name_f], pronounced like [name_f]Alana[/name_f]. I feel like [name_f]Alana[/name_f] is the prettier sounding option, so I would choose that, but I’m biased.

I’m all for [name_f]Alana[/name_f]! Another related name I really like is [name_f]Alaina[/name_f] but it sounds way more like [name_f]Helena[/name_f].

Between the two, [name_f]Alana[/name_f] gets my vote.

I would vote for [name_f]Alanna[/name_f], but that is because my own name is an ana/anna name and mine is spelled with two n’s and pronnounced ah-na. I don’t think two or one n’s needs to dictate the pronunciation, and my mother certainly didn’t as she specifically named me __ah-na with the spelling ___anna because she felt it was more symmetrical and pretty.

[name_f]Alana[/name_f]! I also love the spelling [name_f]Alannah[/name_f], but since you’re not a fan definitely [name_f]Alana[/name_f]. [name_m]Just[/name_m] a side note, I would personally pronounce [name_f]Alana[/name_f] and [name_f]Alanna[/name_f] the same.

I’ve always said [name_f]Alana[/name_f], [name_f]Alanna[/name_f], and [name_f]Alannah[/name_f] the same, regardless of spelling? I prefer the sound of [name_f]Alana[/name_f], in your case, but personally love the look of [name_f]Alana[/name_f] and [name_f]Alannah[/name_f] equally, so. But since you aren’t keen on [name_f]Alannah[/name_f], I’d go [name_f]Alana[/name_f] all the way! She’s so sweetly beautiful.

I prefer [name_f]Alana[/name_f] :slight_smile: