My husband came home yesterday, excited about about the name [name_u]Regan[/name_u], which he pointed out was a fun smoosh of his name and my nickname (minus a couple of letters) while also being a legitimate name. Now, way back when we started talking about names during my first pregnancy, I did suggest the combo [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] [name_u]Regan[/name_u] (not even thinking about how similar [name_u]Regan[/name_u] was to our names, just liking the -gan ending) but he didn’t care for it much due to the horrible sister [name_u]Regan[/name_u] in [name_m]King[/name_m] Lear, so I’m pretty surprised he’s bringing it up again! He says that he doesn’t think of the character when the name is used for a boy and wants to pronounce it like [name_u]Reagan[/name_u], not [name_f]Ree[/name_f]-gan like in the play. I’m not sure, though… It would be a middle for [name_m]Alexander[/name_m], and we’ve been trying to avoid R names due to not liking how the Rs bumped together. Plus, I find the name much more appealing on a girl than a boy. Still, I do love how enthused he is about the name, so I promised to take a few days to think about it before making any decisions about adding it to the list of possibilities.
So, any thoughts on [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] [name_u]Regan[/name_u]?