Alexandra, or Aleksandra?

Which spelling do you prefer more?

[name]Alexandra[/name]. The weird spelling of the other way will only serve to confuse people and cause general annoyance to the person bearing the name who has to spell it all the time.


Although really, I prefer [name]Alessandra[/name] over all.

I teach a Polish girl called Alexsandra

My favourite is [name]Alexandra[/name].
I love the look of [name]Aleksandra[/name], the only drawback is once the name is heard, the majority of people will spell it [name]Alexandra[/name].

[name]Alexandra[/name], unless you’re Russian.

[name]Alexandra[/name]. I just think it looks less cluttered than [name]Aleksandra[/name]. Beautiful name BTW.

I like both. I think if you have Eastern European heritage, [name]Aleksandra[/name] is nice. [name]Alexandra[/name] is also nice and classy.

[name]Alexandra[/name] hands down

Definitely [name]Alexandra[/name] over [name]Aleksandra[/name]. I had a Polish colleague named [name]Aleksandra[/name] that went by [name]Aleks[/name] (pronounced like [name]Alex[/name]) and NO [name]ONE[/name] spelled her name right. [name]Ever[/name]. It was very annoying for her.

I agree completely!

Unless of course you are planning on using [name]Sandra[/name] or [name]Sasha[/name] as a nickname, than I think that the Russian spelling will make the nn feel less forced.

[name_f]Aleksandra[/name_f], since that’s my daughter’s name :slight_smile:
