All about Felix...thoughts on the name Felix

The name [name]Felix[/name] is and has been consistently at the top of our Boy list for our first due [name]April[/name] 2013. We have heard a wide array of opinions on the name and I was curious to see if there was much of a consensus here. The way I look at it the pros for [name]Felix[/name] include: the sound of the name, the meaning, it is not popular but not made up, easily spelled and pronounced… Cons include; associations to a noteworthy cat, is pretty obscure in my state (only 22 babies born in 2011) so may be considered too “out there”, has strong Hispanic associations (we are mostly of [name]German[/name], Irish, and some French ancestry)…others?

So basically I would like to know what you all thought of the name as we are strongly considering it if we are having a boy (we hopefully find out tomorrow!) middle name would be [name]Jeffrey[/name] after FIL and last name sounds like Kahr-rer


I really like [name]Felix[/name]! It may be uncommon in your state, but I wouldn’t consider it an “out there” name. My DH’s name is [name]Fletcher[/name] and people he doesn’t know very well sometimes call him [name]Felix[/name] by accident, so the name must be somewhat salient! I could definitely picture a [name]Felix[/name] of western European descent.

I think it’s a really great name. I can see it on a little boy, adult, and geriatric (thanks to the hospital scene in The Hangover, oi), even though I’ve never actually met one in real life. Unless you live in a hipster area, I doubt you’ll encounter very many, and yet it’s recognizable and hard to misspell. And [name]Felix[/name] [name]Jeffrey[/name] is very dignified.

Also, while it may be in wider use in the Hispanic community, that is not it’s origin. Much as I wouldn’t hesitate to use the name [name]Maria[/name], I wouldn’t hesitate to use [name]Felix[/name] if it’s the one you love!

I love it. Now granted nobody has ever said anything rude to me when it comes up (sadly, my [name]Felix[/name] was birn still about half way through my pregnancy) but its such a fabulous name, really. Heard of but not overly used, very refreshing imho.

I also have two other “character” names for my boys (the [name]Little[/name] Mermaid isnt super popular these days, [name]Ariel[/name] is but the actual movie is not) and even with [name]Linus[/name] peopke have gotten over the Peanuts thing and in general we have very positive feedback on his name.

All this to say, go for it, its an awesome name. :slight_smile:

The only thing I don’t love about it is that there’s no nickname. I tend to not put names like that on my list for what I would use because I am just the type that always likes to shorten a person’s (especially a child’s) name.

But overall, I think it’s adorable for a baby and masculine for a man, and is distinctive without being too unusual. A great name.

I adore [name]Felix[/name]. It’s so cute and I love the -x ending. More unusual names are coming into the spotlight so your state will eventually catch on. I like [name]Felix[/name] [name]Jeffrey[/name], it flows.

Best of luck to you!

I love [name]Felix[/name], too, as you can see from my signature. It doesn’t seem to easily lend itself to a nickname, but I’ve read that “[name]Flick[/name]” is one possibility. My husband keeps thinking of the cat, but I think if we have a boy, and if he lets me name him [name]Felix[/name], that the cat association will fade quickly.

I think [name]Lucky[/name] could be a cute family-only nn.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Felix[/name]! The meaning “[name]Happy[/name]” is one to be proud of also.

I like the nn [name]Fee[/name] as well. Wife not sold on that though

I think it is a wonderful name, it has a positive meaning and a very lovely ring to it. It’s familiar enough people won’t misspell it or say it wrong, but it’s not over-used or trendy.

I didn’t know it was associated with the Hispanic community, I don’t think it would be like you were taking it from another culture or anything! I also don’t think the character references are very strong. It is definitely and unusual name, but everyone has heard of it so there won’t be pronunciation problems. Basically, I think it is perfect! I’ve also heard a possible nn could be [name]Fox[/name].

I love the name! It is number 1 or 2 on our list (first babies due end of [name]April[/name], twins). I have wrestled with it for a while, the cat part is what some people bring up, but as soon as they use it with the baby it wont take long to forget that. Furthermore, I think the cartoon cat is kind of retro cool, not many kids now a days know of [name]Felix[/name] the [name]Cat[/name]. I have been practicing saying it out loud and I just love it. What state are you in? I’m in Oregon, not many around here. There is a spanish hint to it, but again, once the baby around that will go away. We are a [name]German[/name] family and I love the meaning of the name. Also love the nn lucky!

We are from Michigan. And as a side note…We had our first ultrasound today, and its a boy! so now the theoretical is more real.

Congrats on your little boy :smiley: