Alternate spelling for Tobin

See the results of this poll: Tobin, Toben, or Tobyn

Respondents: 14 (This poll is closed)

  • Tobin: 12 (86%)
  • Toben: 2 (14%)
  • Tobyn: 0 (0%)

Toben looks like “To [name]Ben[/name]” to me. I have NO idea how someone got trash bin out of [name]Tobin[/name], weird! [name]Tobin[/name] is a great name and you can still call him [name]Bennie[/name]. Or name him [name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Bennett[/name], [name]Bently[/name], etc. with [name]Tobin[/name] as the middle name. GL!

I voted for [name]Tobin[/name], because the other spellings honestly look misspelled to me. Between Toben and Tobyn, I’d go with Toben, because people change the spelling of boys’ names by adding Ys to make them appear feminine/trendy (ie: [name]Camryn[/name] instead of [name]Cameron[/name]), so people will likely assume Tobyn is a girl.

I think that [name]Tobin[/name], spelled [name]Tobin[/name], is a really handsome name!

Good luck! :slight_smile: