I have been taking Constitutional law recently so excuse me if this is only of interest to me, but I have found the names of the Supreme [name]Court[/name] Justices very interesting of late. Their names are VERY Anglo-[name]Saxon[/name] and very classic but there are some surprises in the bunch, names that are over the top with splendor (I’m looking at you [name]Lucius[/name] [name]Quintus[/name] Cinciannatus [name]Lamar[/name]), some that are just weird (who names their baby [name]Salmon[/name]?), some that sound very modern ([name]Owen[/name] and [name]Wiley[/name]) and a LOT of great surnames (firstnames [name]Smith[/name] and [name]Potter[/name]).
Here is a list of all the justices:here. I would love to hear which ones people think are usable or if they inspire anything. Contrary to my impression, not all 19th century American men were named [name]James[/name] and [name]John[/name].
Most of them are male of course, so I thought I’d post here (Although I think [name]Sonia[/name] and [name]Elena[/name] are amazing names, [name]Ruth[/name] and [name]Sandra[/name] are less interesting, though [name]Day[/name] is an interesting middle).