Amos -pronunciation

[name]How[/name] do you pronounce [name]Amos[/name]? I’ve heard it a few different ways so I’m curious. Also, what are your opinions on the name? Thanks.

I say it Ay-mos, like most with out the T at the end. :slight_smile:

It’s got an ancient feel, sort of like [name]Atticus[/name], but without the trendy/hispter feel.

I pronounce it Ay-muss. Sounds to musty and old for my liking.

I say ‘ay-moss’. [name]Moss[/name] rhyming with cross and ‘ay’ rhyming with hay.

I pronounce it Ay-moss (ay as in clay).

I’ve always heard it pronounced with a long A, A-mus. I know we can’t prevent our kids from being teased entirely, but I would caution you against the name [name]Amos[/name], if you’re considering it for a child. We watched a dog for a while whose name was [name]Amos[/name] and people who met him more often than not had to ask us to repeat the name, then commented that it sound like [anatomical term] at first. Certainly not something most parents would want their child to go through. [name]Just[/name] a thought.


A-muss. Rhymes with Anus. :open_mouth:

I have met an Ahh mose and an Ay muss

[QUOTE=virginialark;1700628]I’ve always heard it pronounced with a long A, A-mus. I know we can’t prevent our kids from being teased entirely, but I would caution you against the name [name]Amos[/name], if you’re considering it for a child. We watched a dog for a while whose name was [name]Amos[/name] and people who met him more often than not had to ask us to repeat the name, then commented that it sound like [anatomical term] at first. Certainly not something most parents would want their child to go through. [name]Just[/name] a thought.

I have never thought of this but now it is all I can think!! I also say ‘ay-moss’. [name]Moss[/name] rhyming with cross and ‘ay’ rhyming with hay.

I have never thought of this but now it is all I can think!! I also say ‘ay-moss’. [name]Moss[/name] rhyming with cross and ‘ay’ rhyming with hay.

I say it Ay-muss. It makes me think of [name]Amos[/name] [name]Slade[/name] from the Disney cartoon [name]Fox[/name] and the Hound, which is not the most positive of connotations.

Yep, Ay-mus (like anus). Despite the similarities, I still love the name. I went to college with an [name]Amos[/name] who seemed perfectly happy with his name.



    • Knock Knock
      “Who’s there?”
      – [name]Amos[/name]
      “[name]Amos[/name] who?”
    • A mosquito!

AY-məs, the second syllable almost like “m’s” with the vowel barely there.

Rhymes with famous.

I like it a lot as a name. But I like semi-obscure or old-fashioned Biblical names. So since I like [name]Ezra[/name], [name]Azaria[/name], and [name]Hezekiah[/name], it’s probably not shocking I like [name]Amos[/name] too.

For that matter, I like [name]Moss[/name], as I am used to it as a dimunitive of [name]Moses[/name], but I would never say [name]Amos[/name] like [name]Moss[/name].