Any help with superhero names?

Hey all!

I am currently plotting my novel, it’s superhero based. I have created the names for my characters but I need superhero names.

My first character is called Griff Pritchard. His superpower is the ability to talk to animals. He is very egotistical and self absorbed but also charming.

Next is Audrey Robson, her superpower is super-strength. She is very caring and wants to make the world a better place for everybody.

There is then Iris Vlahos, who has the ability to create illusions. She is much like Audrey personality-wise. They both help out at animal shelters from time to time.

Senona Ramos has the ability to manipulate electricity. She is (like Griff) rude and egotistical, however she isn’t as charming so most see the real her.

Finally, Dabria Hudson can create portals. She is one of the villains. Personality wise, she is cold and calculated. She believes the wrong should be punished.

Thanks for your help,

I’ve tried to include a mix of styles. Where I’ve used a Latin word I’ve put the [name_f]English[/name_f] in brackets so you know where I’m coming from! If the Latin is off, please blame Google translate :fearful: Also I’ve gone with the name having something to do with their powers, but if that isn’t what you want, please comment that and hopefully other replies will be more what you are looking for.

[name_m]Griff[/name_m] Pritchard:
Aniloqui (animal+speak)
I also think Loquacious would be cool, and a bit pretentious which might fit the personality?
The Communicator (very cheesy/geeky but, do you want this character to have a cool name? Did he name himself?)
Verborum (verbal) If his ego makes people roll their eyes, maybe it would be good to have ‘bore’ in there!

[name_f]Audrey[/name_f] [name_m]Robson[/name_m]:
Potentia (power)
Fortis (strong)
Magna (great)

[name_f]Iris[/name_f] Vlahos:
Magicae (magic, pronounced like magic-eye. Does she make visual illusions? [name_m]Even[/name_m] if not that literal, it still might work)
Illusio (illusion)

Senona [name_m]Ramos[/name_m]:
[name_u]Lux[/name_u] (light)
Scintilla (spark)

Dabria [name_u]Hudson[/name_u]:
Nexum (connection)
Portrari (from transportari - transport)

Thank you,these are some great ideas!

I think I’ll most likely end up using:
Aniloqui for [name_m]Griff[/name_m].
Fortis for [name_f]Audrey[/name_f].
Aberrator for [name_f]Iris[/name_f]. Aberrator means a device (or in this case, person) that is used to creat abberrations. Aberrations are unusal things, such as illutions, a type of halusination.
Lectricus for Senona. Lectricus is latin for electricity.
Nexum for Dabria.

This was much help, thank you again!

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