I’m 12 weeks today, and still nauseas. I don’t see it getting any better. Some days I’m able to eat normal meals, but still feel sick after I eat (though I don’t vomit), other days, like today, I’m completely averted to food, and have nausea all through out the day. Needless to say, I’m going to get my zofran, but I wanted to know if I am alone in the thought as I get nearer the second trimester thinking “Is this nausea ever going to go away?”
As a comparison, though I know every pregnancy is different. Most of my nausea was gone by 12 weeks when I was pregnant with my son. I could eat more normal meals, and really able to function better though my fatigue was even worse my second trimester.
I had morning sickness til around 16 weeks with my first and 20 weeks with my second. I don’t really know too many people who’s ceased by 12 weeks, I think that’s a lie doctors tell you to make it seem more bearable, lol
Me. I am 14 weeks tomorrow, and still having all day nausea. [name_m]Even[/name_m] with my two anti-nausea medications, I still feel rotten. Although I was vomiting about twice a day, and now I’m only vomiting once or twice every 3 days. So slow progress over here!
Oh no, I hope you feel better, @scblovesnames. I am almost 14 weeks and started to feel better around 12 but week 13 came back with a vengeance. This week has been better on and off. Still not great, but hey I’ll take it! I haven’t thrown up since [name_f]Sunday[/name_f], which has been a record so far! There is light at the end of the tunnel; make sure to rest and take care of yourself!
I was vomiting almost daily at least twice a day until week 12 and until week 16 I was vomiting at least once a day and nauseous the better part of the day. At week 18 it’s okay just gotten better.