We love the name [name]Callum[/name], but this baby has a 1 year old cousin named [name]Calvin[/name]. We live several hours away, but don’t want to be obnoxious at family events, or step on the other parents’ toes. We always keep our name a secret until birth… Thoughts?
Not even close in my opinion. I wouldn’t think twice about using the name [name]Callum[/name].
I think they would be much too close for brother but I don’t think it should be an issue for cousins at all. I have cousins with my name, or called [name]Angela[/name] but have I ever cared? No. Has my mom ever felt stepped on? No. I have tons of cousins named [name]William[/name] and [name]Steven[/name]. They all see it other at family reunions and none of them care at all and no body feels stepped on.
Personally, I think the thing about not wanting to name your kid something vaguely similar to a cousins name (which happens a lot on here) is a little ridiculous. If you love the name, then by all means, name your baby [name]Callum[/name].
Yes, they are too close for me. They could both have the nickname [name]Cal[/name]. However, I know cousins named [name]Samuel[/name] and [name]Samantha[/name], [name]Daniel[/name] and [name]Danielle[/name] so it’s really up to you. I wouldn’t do it personally but that’s just me.
They are completely different names though. I had been considering [name]Rafferty[/name] for my list but if I ever have a little [name]Rafferty[/name], he’s likely to have a cousin named [name]Rafael[/name] and for both to be nicknamed [name]Raff[/name]/Raffa/[name]Raffy[/name] would be too much.
I think they’re too close for brothers, but for cousins it isn’t an issue.
ditto dantea and southern.maple. Not an issue for cousins.