Arya Ruby

[name]Arya[/name] [name]Ruby[/name] arrived via waterbirth on [name]September[/name] 4th at 3.59am weighing 7lb7oz.

She is now 6 weeks old and absolutely perfect! We have had nothing but great responses from family, friends and strangers alike about her name.

A few people have asked about pronunciation but generally everyone gets it and I can’t count the amount of times that I’ve been told it’s a beautiful name and that they like it because it is different. (It musn’t be as popular in Australia as it is in the USA at the moment?)

I guess I didn’t have as much to worry about as I thought- I’m really happy we went with it in the end because it suits her perfectly :smiley:


I love [name]Arya[/name] (love this spelling) [name]Ruby[/name]! [name]Arya[/name] and [name]Evie[/name] are wonderful together!

Congratulations! What a beautiful name :slight_smile:

Congratulations! [name]Arya[/name] [name]Ruby[/name] is lovely, and [name]Evie[/name] and [name]Arya[/name] are great together. I’m guessing it’s said like [name]Aria[/name]? I know someone named [name]Aria[/name] who says it like ah-[name]RYE[/name]-ah, so that just confuses me even more as far as [name]Aria[/name]/[name]Arya[/name] goes. Either way, lovely name.

Great name! Congratulations