We are expecting a baby girl and have narrowed our choices to two names [name]Astrid[/name] or [name]Anouk[/name]. I would love opinions on which you prefer and why. Also we are completely stuck for a mn and would love suggestions. Especially something whimsical. She will be born in late [name]November[/name] or early [name]December[/name]. [name]TIA[/name]!
I love both, but I have a soft spot for [name]Anouk[/name]. I think it’s a great variation of [name]Anne[/name]. There’s something whimsical about it (at least to me.) [name]Astrid[/name] is nice, but I know someone name [name]Astrid[/name]. She’s pretty kooky. A famous [name]Astrid[/name] incident is when she looked out a window, called for her daughter, and said (in a light, nonchalant voice): “Look at those birds… they’re making love.” Yeaaah.
[name]Do[/name] you have an combinations in mind?
- [name]Athena[/name]
Ooh. I absolutely love both of them. I’d use either in a heartbeat.
[name]Astrid[/name] [name]Rae[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]
(Off the top of my head.)
I like both, but [name]Astrid[/name] gets my vote. I love the idea of [name]Annie[/name] as a nn for [name]Anouk[/name], but [name]Anouk[/name] has quite a harsh feel about it to me. Then again, people say there will be tons of teasing for [name]Astrid[/name], as well. I just love how [name]Astrid[/name] reminds me of stars, though, and I like the nn [name]Addy[/name] (which, admittedly, is a pretty big stretch).
Good luck!
I love [name]Astrid[/name]! If I met a little girl named [name]Astrid[/name], I would just swoon!
I like that [name]Anouk[/name] reminds me of [name]Anne[/name]/[name]Anneke[/name]/[name]Annika[/name] but it IS so harsh, and the ook ending isn’t familiar to my ear. It reminds me too much of “nuke”.
I’d like [name]Astrid[/name] better if I was certain kids would not call her ass-turd. That’s my big hesitation with that name.
[name]Both[/name] are names I love in theory, but like the poster above me, I really worry about potential name calling. They’re both great names, though. I think I’d go for [name]Anouk[/name]. [name]Anouk[/name] [name]Isidore[/name].
They are both pretty, but out of the two I would go with [name]Astrid[/name] because I am more familiar with this name. The other name is really pretty when said with a french or dutch accent, but if you are in the states it won’t sound as pretty at least in my opinion.
I think [name]Anouk[/name] is adorable and the name definately has a whimsical feel for me perhaps because of this association. It reminds me of the little girl from chocolate which is one of my favourite movies! I also love anushka. It would be nice paired with something soft and feminine perhaps another French name… [name]Anouk[/name] celeste, anouk estelle, anouk [name]Elodie[/name] or anouk delphine?
I love [name]Astrid[/name]! For [name]Anouk[/name] sounds too hard and not very feminine.
I agree with some of the previous posts- of I met a little girl called [name]Astrid[/name] I would swoon too! Adorable!!
I like both, with [name]Anouk[/name] slightly in the lead (today!). I also like [name]Anoushka[/name], which still gives you [name]Anouk[/name] as a nickname. Which leads me to Cushla (somehow) Kind of love that one too…totally off topic, sorry!
I’m not all that good at combos, but think it would suit something more soft and flowy given the hard “k” sound at the end.
I [name]LOVE[/name] both names!! But [name]Astrid[/name] is a bit more feminine.
[name]Anouk[/name] is lovely, but I [name]ADORE[/name] [name]Astrid[/name]. I would go with [name]Astrid[/name], nn [name]Didi[/name] (now how cute & spunky is that!).
Regarding the teasing thing, it seems irrelevant to me, as here (Australia) we say ‘arse’ not ‘ass’ but anyway I think that if people want to tease then they will and it doesn’t matter what your name is.
[name]Astrid[/name] leaves a lot of room for name-calling, imo, so I’ve never liked it much.
[name]Anouk[/name], however, is whimsical–just as you wanted–and lovely. As for it being masculine–it depends on where you live, but I doubt that you would meet a boy [name]Anouk[/name] in NZ. It seems more likely a European boy’s name? And if anyone has seen the movie Chocolat, I feel as if the fact that the girl in the movie/book is named [name]Anouk[/name] (and is one of the few pop culture characters with that name) would dissuade people from choosing it for a boy.
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Isla[/name] ([name]Isla[/name] is getting too popular but maybe as a middle name?)
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Arabella[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Anastasia[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Elodie[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Elisabetta[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Clementine[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Aislinn[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Piper[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Rosamund[/name]/[name]Rosaline[/name]/[name]Rosalind[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Lucilla[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Livia[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Aoife[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Esme[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Margaux[/name]/[name]Margot[/name]/[name]Margo[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Ashby[/name]
[name]Anouk[/name] [name]Elena[/name]
I like [name]Astrid[/name], but I [name]Love[/name] love [name]Anouk[/name]. It’s my favorite name, and is definitely whimsical and unique. [name]Anouk[/name] [name]Elodie[/name] was one of my top choices at one point. The already mentioned [name]Anouk[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] and [name]Anouk[/name] [name]Esme[/name] are lovely too.
It may be a bit eccentric but I love [name]Anouk[/name] [name]Ottilie[/name] too!
I love both those names, a lot, and I’d use either one.
My vote goes for [name]Anouk[/name] though, because I think it is just so charming and beautiful.