How popular is this name really? I think it would age nicely on a baby, kid, adult, and old lady but would this be considered dated in the future? Does [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] fall into the same category as the “trendy popular” names or “classic popular” names?
Im would consider it a trendy classic but not overly popular just more trendy than [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] ans [name_f]Katherine[/name_f].
I really like aurora
I personally would say it feels more trendy than classic, though I do think it’s a classic name (it’s been in the US top 1000 almost the whole time since 1880!).
I think the fact that it rose to popularity kind of quickly is what makes it feel trendy to me, rather than classic names that are always common. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, though. It also started its rise in the 1990s so it’s not totally tied to any one generation, even if it’s at its most popular right now.
Oh that’s a really nice way of seeing it, thank you!
I suppose it would depend on what constitutes as a trendy name. I’d say trendy as the opposite of timeless, and that it has aged and become a product of its time. I think it becomes subjective to each person on trendiness. [name_f]Do[/name_f] classic names that become trendy, like super trendy to the point of overexposure, become a product of its time? Like [name_f]Isabella[/name_f] / [name_f]Sophia[/name_f] to the 2010s or [name_f]Emma[/name_f] / [name_f]Emily[/name_f] to the 2000s?
[name_f]Aurora[/name_f] feels contemporary and on trend, but well established, with a long history of usage. I’d call it newly popular, or recently popular, I think?
To be honest I don’t think any name is truly timeless even solid classics like [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] or [name_f]Katherine[/name_f] . I think they weather it a little better but the nicknames go in and out of popularity and might feel dated.
As for [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] I don’t think it will reach the point it’s overused. I think it’s one some will relate it to Sleeping [name_f]Beauty[/name_f] but others won’t really make the connection. Not as many realize that’s the given name. So if they know it they will have a definite image of it otherwise they may find it unique and remember it for that reason. I agree it’s not necessarily belonging to one particular time period. Personally I have never met anyone with this name. I think we pay more attention than others because names mean a lot to us.
It was #31 in the USA in 2022 as 2023’s stats haven’t been published yet but I think it will likely trend upward.
It’s classic but very on brand for the 2020s I think.
I want to say trendy but for me, it feels dated.
I didn’t realize it had that much popularity maybe it will feel overused as a result.
To me it’s trendy! It’s the same as [name_f]Sophia[/name_f], like you mentioned. Objectively, it’s a very classic name, but its sudden explosion in popularity makes me think of it as a trendy choice. It’s the same with [name_f]Aurora[/name_f], since I feel like I went from never hearing about it to seeing it all the time!
It’s an old name, but I don’t think of it as classic in the same way that say, [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] or [name_f]Rose[/name_f] are classics. It’s probably the most popular it’s ever been right now.
That being said, it’s not yet overused. There are so many more names in use now that the most popular ones don’t belong to as many kids as they did in the past.
If you’re worried, I recommend Aurelia as a beautiful, less popular alternative.
It’s a nice mix between classic and modern but in my opinion, it’s hard to say. Sounds like [name_m]Scooby[/name_m] Doo named her lol