
What do you think of the name Avalie?

I don’t like [name]Ava[/name] to start with but adding -lie changes it from a respectable name that I simply don’t like to a trashy-sounding name that plain shouldn’t be used. [name]Love[/name] [name]Coralie[/name], [name]Rosalie[/name], etc though. :slight_smile:

My husband and I have been searching long and hard for a girls name and have discussed ones like [name]Liliana[/name], [name]Luciana[/name], etc. We haven’t ruled them out but we both agreed that it sounds like we are taking a rather popular name - in this case [name]Lily[/name] or [name]Lucy[/name] - and trying to make it special/different by adding “ana” to the end (eventhough they are names in their own right/not made up). I think this is a similar scenario. [name]Ava[/name] is lovely and I must admit that I like Avalie more but it does seem like it is trying to be different.

Not sure if that helps! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your honesty! That’s what I was wondering about. I never thought of it as sounding trashy, but I did wonder if it sounded too made up.

[name]How[/name] are you pronouncing that? [name]Ava[/name]-lee or what I was thinking was more like [name]Ah[/name]-vuh-lee. Or even Aa-vuh-lee (as in [name]Abby[/name])… For this reason I’m not a fan, but I hate having to correct pronunciations :slight_smile:

I prefer [name]Ava[/name], as it isn’t “made up” so to speak, but Avalie is one of the better invented names. It is much better than Avaleigh or Avaleeh spelling-wise, and I don’t think it would cause much confusion for a child. So if you really, really love it, go-ahead with it, and give her a middle name she can fall back on if she decides to : )

All names are essentially made-up, some have just been around for longer…

i don’t think it sounds trashy at all - I quite like it! We talked about it before we knew we were having a son =)