I’d love to hear your thoughts about these three as brother names! (Plot twist, they actually exist, and are 3 little brothers.) [name_m]Just[/name_m] curious about your thoughts!
Those are adorable! They’re all so friendly sounding. I would personally be scared to use [name_u]Avery[/name_u] on a boy these days, since it’s soooo popular for girls. It’s completely masculine in my opinion though. And very charming. [name_u]Lyle[/name_u] is really not a personal favorite, but it’s fun & different. [name_u]Charlie[/name_u] is a personal favorite. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though it’s way more common than [name_u]Avery[/name_u] (for a boy) & [name_u]Lyle[/name_u], I think that this sibling group makes perfect sense.
[name_u]Lyle[/name_u] is my favorite. I love its sound. As for [name_u]Avery[/name_u], it is okay but still vaguely feminine to me. [name_u]Charlie[/name_u] is overused and informal. [name_m]Charles[/name_m] is better.