Can you add to our list of space/cosmos-related names? We’re thinking of using one as a middle name for a son. My husband is a super math/space/science nerd. Here’s our current list:
[name]Sirius[/name] came to mind, but be aware of the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] connotations if you like [name]Sirius[/name]. Other suggestions:
I know this is a boys thread, but I love [name]Nova[/name] for a girl. For a boy I think [name]Sirius[/name], [name]Orion[/name], [name]Newton[/name] and [name]Ptolemy[/name] are cool. My partner has mentioned liking [name]Newton[/name] to me in the past (also a giant nerd haha), but I don’t really like it enough to use up front so I’m going to push for [name]Isaac[/name]
I like [name]Apollo[/name] a lot!
Did you consider some inventors? Like [name]Edison[/name]? I love [name]Edison[/name] for a boy!
Some others:
I’ve also always had a thing for [name]Jupiter[/name]'s moons: [name]Io[/name], Europa, Ganymede & [name]Callisto[/name]!
Tesla and [name]Mars[/name] would be at the top of my list for a middle name of this theme. From your list I love [name]Helios[/name], Titan, and Copernicus
[name]Kale[/name] - [name]One[/name] of Jupiters moons, prob spelled with a C i forget but i love K names and the movie Titan A.E.
[name]Sun[/name], [name]Sunny[/name], or [name]Sol[/name]
[name]Hubble[/name] or [name]Hubbell[/name]
[name]Gemini[/name]-[name]Aquarius[/name]-[name]Leo[/name] ect. Possibly for the month he is born in?
Constellation - It would kinda be cute because then his name would seem like a constellation haha ex: [name]Everett[/name] Constellation
Sorry If i repeated any
I love all the names on your guys list I plan to use the name [name]Galaxy[/name] one day in a girls name I hope it works out, It might be easier to figure out what mn would be best if we knew the first name.