
See the results of this poll: Do you like Azula as a name for a girl?

Respondents: 61 (This poll is closed)

  • Yes : 30 (49%)
  • No: 31 (51%)

No because it reminds me of Avatar The Last Airbender.

No. I’ve never heard it before, but i don’t like it. The pronunciation seems awkward, and it’s just not pretty.

Much prefer [name]Azalea[/name] or [name]Azaria[/name] (not in Australia, though!).

My first association is Avatar the Last Airbender, and while I’m a HUGE fan of the show, I don’t think it would be a good name for a child.

I think of Avatar too, and while I love Azula, she was really portrayed in a negative light so I’m not sure about it as a name:

(She was just a really misunderstood little princess that didn’t get enough love from her mom my poor baby sobs)

We named our daughter Azula and we love it.
Our style is offbeat and a little spunky & we tried to mellow it out with a more conservative nature middle name.

I love the cute nicknames - our nephew calls her “baby zu”.
Since we paired it up with a conservative but versatile middle name she will have options if she decides not to go by Azula when shes a little older.
I love that Azula is spelled phonetically (makes more sense to me than silly spellings), Its unusual but “sounds like a name”, and in my opinion it’s got a beautiful musical quality.
We did first hear the name in Avatar, but it is an obscure enough show (for adults at least) that not many people have made the connection. If people ask how we found it I’m sometimes embarrassed to say its from a cartoon, so I say it comes from [name_f]Azure[/name_f], or [name_f]Azul[/name_f] (the Spanish word for blue).
I think its kind of cool that the character in the show is kind of a badass too. I mean she shoots freaking [name_u]BLUE[/name_u] LIGHTNING from her body. So much better than having some prissy namesake.
I like how exotic it sounds, that it is sweet on a baby (its the ooh sound) and spicy on an adult.

Our reception of the name is mixed. Some people think it sounds African (I personally don’t get that vibe from it), or that its made up (though its not far of a stretch from [name_f]Azura[/name_f]), but most people think its beautiful or they will politely say “what an unusual name”.

I also think of Avatar but I think it is usable… It’s a spunky name and as [name_f]Azul[/name_f] is blue in Spanish, it is legions ahead of naming your child [name_u]Blue[/name_u] if that was the theme you were going for

I actually like it, but whenever I see it all it makes me think of is the Avatar character and she was not a nice person, no matter what her excuses were.

the more i thought about it, the more it grew on me. i haven’t seen avatar the last airbender so i know nothing about that. i don’t know too many people who would make that association either. i say go for it!

It makes me think of Zulu as well as [name_f]Azalea[/name_f] and [name_f]Sula[/name_f]. It’s not horrible, but it’s very different. [name_m]Will[/name_m] definitely raise eyebrows.

I’ve never seen the Avatar Airbender thing.

I love Avatar, and so I’m familiar with the name. If you love it, go for it! I personally think it’s a very pretty name, and that [name_f]Zula[/name_f] makes a nice nn (:

[name_m]Just[/name_m] sounds like Zulu to me. Or those things they blow at football matches? Vuzula??!!

I believe suzywoo means a vuvuzela. Hmmm, I’d never connected that before.

Personally, I love the name Azula. It’s so pretty and sassy and unique. Sure, the character from ATLA was nuts, but she was also totally awesome.

I like it! I would actually love to see Azula on a little girl (wouldn’t use it myself, though).

Meh. I don’t [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] it, but I don’t HATE it, either. It is very unusual, and it just doesn’t wow me. It’s a nice name, though, and could have several cool nns (although I feel like I’d like [name_f]Azalea[/name_f], [name_f]Azul[/name_f], and [name_f]Azure[/name_f] (even [name_f]Azura[/name_f]?) all much more).

I love it! What a gorgeous, spunky name. Fun and stylish without being too frilly. And so many adorable nickname possibilities: Zulie / [name_f]Lula[/name_f] / [name_f]Lulie[/name_f] / [name_f]Zuzu[/name_f] / Zu / etc.