So I’m trying to be cautiously optimistic by starting this thread!
I’ve gotten early 3 positive tests and a tentative due date of April 25th! Nervous with my history of recurrent loss but celebrating this little eggie for all it’s doing now!
Hoping to see lots of Berry Mamas to be join in! Yay Spring time babies!
I can add a due date list as we grow Literally and figuratively! Congrats to everyone joining in!
Due Dates
Kathleen123456 - April 5
Beort12 - April 6
Mamaenzi - April 20
Kibby - April 22 🩷
Namesearchaccount - April 28
samosier24 - Tentative April 29
_thelittlefairywren - May 16
ElsieWren - June 27 🩷
@kibby you are braver than I am! I had just been hoping someone else would start this. I am also jealous you have those weeks indicator tests in [name_f]Canada[/name_f]! I wanted to buy one to see if my HCG continued to go up after my betas but apparently they haven’t been sold in the US for a while.
Tentatively joining with a due date of [name_f]April[/name_f] 6, by my estimation. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband and I have been trying to have a baby for over a year, one miscarriage, male factor and a varicocele that was repaired surgically in [name_f]May[/name_f]. I am very nervous, but hopeful that things work out! I have my first ultrasound on [name_u]August[/name_u] 22nd.
I am having a hard time deciding if my symptoms are “enough”. Mind you, just today I have retched several times at things that look/sound/sell bad, but I am still having a lot of feelings that because I am mostly able to eat and function its may not be okay! I know I am only 6 weeks and everyone’s nausea is different, but without any more info it is all I have to go off of!
[name_m]Just[/name_m] popping in from the January-March babies thread to say congratulations to you both! It is heartwarming to see people moving from the TTC thread into this one and good luck to your [name_f]Spring[/name_f] babies!
[name_m]Just[/name_m] popping over to say I had zero nausea, no breast tenderness etc. so dont get yourself too worried about your symptoms not being ‘enough’! Congratulations and best wishes to both of you!
@Beort12 - I don’t know if it’s bravery or bullheadedness but I also felt we could support each other given our histories. I’m still pretty in denial, haven’t taken the digital test and avoiding the line tests, genuinely afraid this isn’t happening but also afraid it is!
I had no idea they discontinued the weeks tests in the states! I also like to take them because they indicate that increase in hcg! I can mail you one!
@LibelluleClaire - Yes! I agree, and honestly even in my strong pregnancies with high hcg I never experienced breast tenderness and I haven’t ever thrown up, nausea would hit for me around 6 weeks.
It feels silly to hope for symptoms to show up, because the second we feel sick, we want to feel better! There’s no winning!
@Kibby honestly I still feel in denial too. I go from not being able to stop thinking about being pregnant, to being surprised when I remember. Right before I got pregnant I was telling my therapist I felt like I just couldn’t get pregnant at all, so I think I am having a hard time figuring that out.
Apparently Americans couldn’t figure out that the weeks were from conception, not weeks pregnant and sued or at least threatened to sue the company over it I know they are still widely available in Europe too. I was thinking I would take one around the five week mark to see if I would get a 3+, but now I am past 6 weeks so that ship has sailed because I am sure even if things aren’t progressing well I am still above the 2700-ish cutoff for 3+. I just need to be patient and wait for the ultrasound.
@LibelluleClaire I definitely have been having nausea, I think I just mentally get wrapped up if it is “enough” nausea. Breast tenderness was weird, they were very tender before my pregnancy test and for a few days after, but now aren’t nearly as tender. [name_f]My[/name_f] theory is that they were sensitive to the increase in progesterone, but once that stabilized a little more that symptom backed off. Nausea wise I have felt pretty awful today, and couldn’t get myself to eat anything but a couple saltines until about 11 when I had the epiphany that has browns sounded good. I tried a quesadilla first because that tasted good yesterday, but it was a big no today. I pretty much have the diet of a picky American 5-year-old right now, but oh well, food is food.
@Beort12 - Okay, that makes sense, a lot of people don’t really understand conception date vs LMP dating for a pregnancy.
And I totally understand, I was actually supposed to see my therapist last week and cancelled the appointment, he knows my loss history and my high anxiety, and I just don’t feel ready to face that fully head on yet.
I’ve been day dreaming about the possibility that this actually works about, as much as my brain keeps screaming that it won’t. So I’m googling nursery ideas and reading more of Expecting Better, (which I highly recommend!)
I peed on another stick this evening and I think it’s a touch darker but I’ve also been staying hydrated today, it’s warm out and I’ve been working in the yard. I’ll take my digital test tomorrow morning I think.
@Kibby I love Expecting Better! I read it a few years ago before the updated version, and then a couple years ago right before starting TTC asked my husband for it for [name_u]Christmas[/name_u]. [name_m]Just[/name_m] the most level-headed guide to pregnancy I have ever encountered. I have also allowed myself some googling and daydreaming, although ironically not really about names! Back before we started TTC when I was naive and hopeful I made a list of baby items we would need, and I looked that over and added a few things and took a few off.
I took some unisom last night with by b6 and feel better today. Still nauseous, but not so nauseous I can’t eat. Hopefully it really helped and it isn’t just a coincidence. I am very tired, but I will take that tradeoff.
@Kibby the 22nd! Less nauseous today, but I did add unisom last night because I didn’t think I would be able to work today if I felt as bad as I did yesterday. The unisom didn’t make me feel great (I don’t respond to antihistamines well), but at least I ate today.
That is great that it says 2-3!! I looked it up and the cutoff for 2-3 is HCG of 153, which is amazing for 12dpo! [name_f]My[/name_f] first beta at 13DPO was 102. Maybe there really are two in there!!
@Beort12 - [name_f]My[/name_f] experience with pregnancy nausea was that it comes and goes as it pleases, and strikes at the most inconvenient times. I think it’s a good sign as long as you are experiencing any, the 22nd must feel forever away but I think you can expect good news
And thank you for find that info!! I had no idea what kind of threshold it was using but figured 2-3 was great because I was expecting 1-2 since it’s not even been two weeks yet!
I’m still kind of hoping for twins, that would just be beyond wonderful after everything!
And I told him this morning!!! I took the digital test while he was still in bed, it popped up as pregnant so fast and the 2-3 followed shortly after. I put the test by his coffee cup this morning! Then offered him some baileys for his coffee after he saw it, and we had a good laugh. I felt so nervous telling him haha I don’t think either of us expected my 10 hour road trip to make a baby to ACTUALLY make a baby!
How did you tell your partner?
@Kibby that’s good reassurance this morning…I woke up with essentially no nausea at all, so I am internally panicking. Hopefully I am overreacting, in a week we will find out either way.
What a lovely moment between you two! [name_f]My[/name_f] husband actually told me, because I didn’t want to see another negative test so I made him check it. Honestly I did not believe him when he said he saw two lines!
@Beort12 - I love that you had him tell you!
I think it’s especially normal for the nausea to be inconsistent as it’s only just starting to come on. Your body still has no idea what’s going on and I’m sure it’s confused as hell. It’s so hard to not over analyze every little thing, trust me I’m right there with you.
I almost feel like I’m already getting nausea but I hope not, I want signs of a healthy pregnancy but the only people I know that got sick this early struggled with hyperemesis gravidarum (sp?) and I really don’t need that in my life!