Baby Berries Due Jan/Feb/March 2025

I am drinking one cup of the [name_m]Red[/name_m] Raspberry per day and will try to start 2 at 37 weeks. We’ll see!


I’m going to do about as much as a can to avoid chemical induction so I may try a membrane sweep and see if it works for me. We have another growth scan next [name_m]Friday[/name_m] and if his size remains a non-issue I am for sure going to push for the 1/31 induction date instead of the 1/24 date and maybe try to get a membrane sweep on 1/29 or 1/30. I have a friend it worked for but that doesn’t guarantee it for me, I know. I’m also stretching and will start a birth ball soon.


The doctor this week was much more amenable to my desire for a later date. He didn’t guarantee he could do it because he wants the growth scan first (understandable) but he at least wasn’t like “well the rotation matters more” even though HE’S the doctor that’s on rotation the day I would go in.


[name_f]My[/name_f] bad news is that they’re putting me on Metformin starting today (I’m 36+1 so at least it’s not long) but my body has reacted horribly to it in the past. All my post meal blood sugars have been lovely but my fastings have been borderline/high just about every morning no matter what I eat the night before (I experimented with eating fast food/dessert last thing and GD friendly last thing) and it didn’t really make a difference. The dessert night was actually lower the next morning so go figure…


Anyway, hope you all are gliding along well (or maybe rolling, like me!) in your third trimesters! :sweat_smile:

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I’m glad the new dr is more flexible and willing to accommodate you! I hope the membrane sweep does work, you’ll have to let us know! I’ve been craving spicy foods so much this pregnancy! I eat a hard boiled egg with tapatio, chicken with spicy buffalo sauce, and cayenne on my dinner every day lol and was looking into health benefits of cayenne / peppers that contain capsaicin and said it can stabilize blood sugar levels so if you are able to tolerate it maybe trying some cayenne pepper or hot sauce in your meals could help! Idk how true it is but I found it interesting. 3rd trimester goes far too slow for me with all the aches and pains but thankfully preeclampsia has yet to rear it’s ugly head this time around, and dr said she will let me try to go into labor naturally if it remains that way so just praying I don’t develope it again and have a surprise induction at 37 weeks! :face_exhaling:


We had our baby shower this weekend!! :strawberry::rabbit2:



also got her crib set up today :two_hearts:[name_f][/name_f] even though she won’t be in it for months, I like having it done.


Well, 37 weeks tomorrow and I have another growth scan on [name_m]Friday[/name_m]. Hoping I don’t have to fight too hard on the induction and that baby boy has stayed in a mid-percentile.


What I think is round ligament pain is KILLING me. Walking is a chore and shifting from sitting ot standing is basically torture. It started happening a couple days ago after I think he dropped lower and maaaaan it’s made life difficult. I’m also about to submit my maternity leave plan to work tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes.


Getting so close it’s nerve-wracking! Not having any [name_m]Braxton[/name_m] Hicks that I can pinpoint so I wonder if that’s a good sign or a bad sign or a neutral sign? Also, are there any surefire ways to tell that labor is imminent? I can’t find anything that says for sure unless it’s contractions themselves lol.

Its PGP/SPD I’ve had it both my pregnancies and it’s excruciating, it’s good you got it later on in the pregnancy though. Mine always starts around 24 weeks and gets progressively worse. I’ve heard using a support band can really help. It’ll subside after you give birth!

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At my 32 week growth scan I was told [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] is just about in the 90th percentile and just shy of 5 lbs already! The doctor estimates he’d be 9½ lbs by full term but is recommending my c-section be scheduled for 38 weeks (GD+big baby) to my OB who I’ll see on [name_f]Monday[/name_f]. I am so impatient to have a date but 38 weeks for me is [name_f]February[/name_f] 20th so I’m more than likely having my baby next month :grin::grin::grin:[name_f][/name_f] I’m so excited!


[name_f]My[/name_f] first was a full pound and some odd ounces bigger than estimated so even 2 weeks early I’m still expecting a 9 pounder :sweat_smile:[name_f][/name_f] as much as I wanted to try to labor and push him out, I’m glad I already decided that wasn’t the safest choice for me. The doctor overseeing the scan seemed to be highly recommending c-section even though I already had that plan. On her way out she also said “You can skip buying NB sizes! He’ll likely be in 0-3!” Which really made it real how big he is :scream:


He looks a bit smooshed, but hes already got chubby cheeks and a little bit of hair! Can’t wait to have the date I will meet him :heartbeat:[name_f][/name_f] so in love already :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



So interesting to see how different doctors handle different situations!


He was 57th percentile at my last scan and today he was in the 92nd. :sweat_smile:[name_f][/name_f] particularly his abdomen, it seems, is measuring ahead but my blood sugar is under control now.


They’re still allowing me to proceed with 1/31 as a likely induction date. I’m not too worried because the 38week can be off up to 15% but I’ve all but decided on trying a membrane sweep earlier that week if I haven’t gone into labor spontaneously yet. I’ll probably be trying more vigorously to induce labor after 38/39 weeks but for now I’m stretching and drinking tea and just trying to enjoy these last days.

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[name_m]Just[/name_m] dropping in to comment about baby sizing! [name_f]Olenna[/name_f] was measuring large according to her abdomen one scan and my midwife said that the abdomen measurements can be especially misleading because if the tech takes the measurement at the wrong time, like baby just inhaled big, the abdomen can be distended briefly and skew the measurement greatly! She had personally delivered a baby that was said to be 75th percentile that ended up born in only the 25th percentile, so take the ultrasound measurements with a grain of salt, they can be flawed!
[name_f][/name_f](Olenna was 7lb 9oz at over a week overdue despite measuring “large”)


Ditto to the above! I was constantly told my baby would be big and she measuring at 98th percentile, and I had GD so they were extra fussy about her size… well, she arrived at just under 7 lb and was so sweet and petite. The measurements are all just guess work, and should not be used to bully people into delivery dates they don’t want!

I know watching baby size is important with gd, and dont want to make light or dismiss the dr.'s advice, I do think most dr’s are trying to do good. But just wanted to share my story with the measurement scans. With my 2nd, we had a scan at 38 weeks and they decided I needed an induction immediately, told me to go home and pack and call my husband and come right back. They said our little one was measuring 8 weeks behind all across the board she was very growth restricted etc. They told us she’d probably be under 4lbs and to prepare for the possibility of nicu.
Fast forward to that evening when she came out. She was was 6.5 lbs and 17 in. long. Small but still within normal ranges.

So while I’m a believer of erring on the side of caution, those scans can definitely be wrong.


Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t assume they’re 100% accurate but definitely shouldn’t assume its an overestimation either because my son was supposed to be 6 lbs 15 oz according to a growth scan days before he was born at 8 lbs even. Thats a full pound more than estimated.


How your previous baby measured vs. How big they came out is a good indicator of how off the measurements might be for you. So for me, my doctors and I are running with the possiblity he could be a full pound more than expected which is why we’re calling the c-section for 38 weeks as they estimate 8 lbs by then so likely 9 lbs in actuality. I was told I could go to 39 weeks as my GD has been doing fine diet controlled, but I know of people who had terrible hemorrhaging due to 10+ lbs babies so I feel safer going at 38 weeks.


But its all definitely just an estimate until baby is born.


Had my first ever cervical check today! It wasn’t painful exactly but was definitely more pressure than I expected. I am 1cm dilated but 80% effaced at 38+1 today so I’m satisfied with that. Although I’m going to do everything I can to go into spontaneous labor, we will probably go ahead with the scheduled induction on 1/31 with a membrane sweep earlier in the week if I haven’t gone into labor yet. Not a fan but everything I’ve read seems to indicate a better outcome for GD babies with 39-40 week deliveries (we’ll technically be 40+1 but I’m not going to fuss over a day).


They did the brief 38 week ultrasound as well and it turns out he DOES have hair and a lot of it. She said he’s probably either red-headed or dark-headed as blondes typically aren’t born with a ton of hair but it’ll be exciting to see! Very low-to-no chance of red hair as far as I know, though.


And so we wait, bounce, stretch and wait some more lol. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] you all have a good weekend! I’ll probably be washing some baby clothes and doing some last things to get our apartment in order since we get a long weekend in the US for MLK day.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] wanted to comment on the hair, my first had hair at birth and it was dark, but it fell out in the first month, he was bald for a good while before it grew back in blonde. So idk if she meant purely the initial hair color, but just so you know that certainly wasn’t my experience lol


I think she meant the first hair color!

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Marshall’s hair did the same thing!

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Congrats to @StrawberryWitch[name_f][/name_f] who is the first in this thread to welcome her baby, a sweet girl [name_f][/name_f] :two_hearts:

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Yay! Congrats @StrawberryWitch[name_f][/name_f] :heartpulse:[name_f][/name_f] :strawberry: