Baby Berries due July-September 2023

Wow I can’t imagine moving while pregnant! I hope it goes smoothly. I would be stressed about it too, but on a positive note, at least the move is before baby arrives. I had a friend have to move when her son was a month old.

@Archer27 oh no! What a stubborn little one!

No real updates on my end except I think I’ve started feeling baby. I have an anterior placenta so it’s kinda hard to tell. It feels like little bubbles or pokes.

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I have been defeated by the fetus :sweat_smile: It wouldn’t co-operate once again, so we are giving up on the NT. It is seriously grounded when it comes out :triumph: I have also apparently lost 5 pounds, which I am putting down to the unrelenting nausea that is still kicking my butt at 14 weeks. Like I said… seriously grounded :rofl:

@sweetpeacelove That’s so exciting! How far along are you now? I also have an anterior placenta. I didn’t know that it could affect the movements!

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I’m 17 weeks. Anterior placentas make it harder to feel the baby in the beginning since it’s in the front. I had it with my daughter and I didn’t feel her until around 21 weeks I think. With this one, I feel little flutters every couple days but it’s very inconsistent.

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I’ve had an anterior placenta for all three of my pregnancies… I feel like I didn’t start to feel the other two consistently until like 22-23 weeks. I feel occasional flutters right now, but nothing concrete or consistent…

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I had my anatomy scan and everything is looking good. It was so fun to see baby for like 45 minutes. Definitely a boy. How is everyone else doing?

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Finally managed to confirm that I do have HG - only took me being ill several times on the daily for nearly 20 weeks and losing 10+ pounds! Hopefully now we might see a reprieve soon. [name_u]Or[/name_u] at least, I’m praying we do… I can’t do this for 20 more weeks :sweat_smile:

On the upside, I did get to feel it moving for the first time about a week ago! It was the strangest thing, and at first I wasn’t sure if that was what it was, especially with having an anterior placenta and it being the first pregnancy. But over the past week or so, it’s been twitching away intermittently :grin:

We have the anatomy scan in about a week, so fingers crossed it behaves itself!

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HG sounds awful! I can’t imagine dealing with that. Feeling baby flutters is such a strange sensation, but very reassuring. Hopefully your anatomy scan went well.

Not much of an update on my end. I’ve been feeling more and more movement. I also have an appointment later today, but it’s not a fun one with an ultrasound. [name_m]Just[/name_m] standard check up that takes about 5 minutes. [name_f]My[/name_f] doctor usually uses the Doppler though so hopefully I’ll hear his heartbeat.

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@sweetpeacelove hope you got a nice listen to the heartbeat!

The anatomy scan was a bit frazzled on our end. Most of it went fine, but they couldn’t measure the lower spine and coccyx because (to nobody’s surprise) it wouldn’t sit still enough. So we have to go back next week. The sonographer also briefly mentioned something with the abdomen, but I wasn’t sure if it was a potential concern, or just that they couldn’t visualise it properly. She didn’t explain any further and by the time I had processed enough to ask, the appointment was over. I ended up going alone because my partner got called into work last minute, so that just made it a bit more overwhelming. It’s hard not to worry but there’s nothing to be done until they get a better look, so hopefully next time they can see everything they need to see. I will also hold out hope for finding out the sex, but they way things are going, I’m not feeling optimistic :sweat_smile:

Everything was fine on our repeat scan, she still wriggled like crazy but they managed to get the sections they missed. Nothing wrong with the abdomen so no clue what that was about. And we found out that she’s a girl! We’ve been calling it Chuckie because it’s been so naughty, but it appears we’ll have to think of something else now… I’m stumped!


29 weeks now. I had my glucose test last week and all went well. I got the orange flavor drink and it wasn’t bad at all. It tasted like a flat orange crush.

I also made an appointment for one of those 4D ultrasounds, but it’s not until early [name_u]June[/name_u]. I didn’t do one with my daughter, but I thought it would be fun for her to come and see an ultrasound since she hasn’t been able/allowed to any appointments.

Our thread is a bit quiet. I guess there aren’t too many July-September babies. I hope everyone who’s still around is having a safe and easy pregnancy.

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We do seem to be a quiet group! There is only a handful of us to my knowledge. Which surprises me, because I feel like [name_u]August[/name_u] and [name_u]September[/name_u] are incredibly popular for birthdays :thinking::sweat_smile:

I edited the first post to include everyone’s due dates and genders - if anyone wants me to add anything, just @ me to let me know!

How is everyone doing on names? I think we have a frontrunner, but we’re still trying to iron everything out. [name_f]My[/name_f] partner made her an email address yesterday so he could sign her up for Letterboxd (:roll_eyes:), so I think we are getting used to the idea of our favourite being “her” name. But it’s so hard to commit!

I think we have the name figured out as well, but are finalizing the middle in case I change my mind. The first name we’re going with is [name_u]Rowan[/name_u]. It was the name that just felt right for both of us. We originally had a different front runner, but it just wasn’t him.

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Ah, Rowan is lovely! And if I’m remembering your daughter’s name correctly, that’s so sweet that they have a little connection :deciduous_tree::heart:

We are favouring Alice. I’m not 100% with how popular it is, but I’m hoping that it comes across more timeless than trendy.

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35 weeks here so not long to go! We’ve picked out a name and I’ve found it has really helped me feel connected to the baby to use it when I talk to my belly. I feel like a walking puffer fish but otherwise things are all going well.


[name_m]Just[/name_m] realised we’re getting to the baby zone for this group! Some of you will be “full term”/37 weeks + already! Crazy to think. Wishing everyone the best in the 3rd trimester and beyond :heart:


It’s getting close! I turned 34 weeks yesterday so only about 6 more weeks left! I did have a bit of a scare a few weeks ago. I had extremely bad abdominal pain so I went in to the ER and they sent me to the labor and delivery floor. After monitoring and a bunch of tests, they found that I have gallstones. They won’t do surgery since I’m in 3rd trimester so I have to wait until after baby is born. Until then I need to be on a low fat diet to avoid more painful attacks. The worst part is I can’t eat anything I’m craving (ice cream, pizza, etc). [name_u]Baby[/name_u] is doing well though.

[name_f]My[/name_f] doctor mentioned I could get induced at 39 weeks if I wanted to and I’m debating if that’s the right thing. With my daughter, my water broke at 39 and 3 days and when I went in, I wasn’t really contracting and was only dialated to a 1 or 2 (can’t remember). They gave me pitocin and I was ready to push about 8 hours later I think. That birth went really smoothly overall. I have an appointment on [name_f]Monday[/name_f] so I think I’ll ask her more questions about it then. Has anyone been induced before labor actually started or before water breaking? If so, how did it go for you?

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Oh my word! So sorry to hear you’re going through that on top of being pregnant. My mom had gallstones last year, and she said the pain was worse than labour :confounded: Hope you get your tasty treats back ASAP!

Never been through it before so I can’t give any advice, but just wanted to say you’re not alone - we’re also looking at maybe being induced early. We just got told today that my blood pressure & blood tests are indicating I have mild pre-eclampsia. So now we are probably going to need twice weekly monitoring and either induction or section at 37-38 weeks, depending on how things progress :face_exhaling: midwife said not to stress and we can discuss our options as we go, but… I am stressing :sweat_smile: Hope your appointment went well!

I’ve been super MIA from this group. Things have been so crazy. I haven’t posted since [name_u]March[/name_u]? Ok. Well since then:

  • my husband moved to Massachusetts and left me home with two kids and a house to sell and pack up while working
  • house sold and I worked on packing
  • eventually got it done and shipped all our stuff to MA (with LOTS of help from family, bless them)
  • moved me and my kids into my sister’s basement for a few weeks until school got out
  • husband flew back to us and we road tripped to MA with what was left of our stuff. Still working on unpacking and figuring out life working from home here with our kids for the summer
  • transferred prenatal care to a new doctor in MA
  • new doctor decided that my passed Gestational diabetes test in utah was actually a fail in MA
  • waited a few weeks to do a growth ultrasound, apparently I’m gestating a toddler
  • have spent the last few weeks under the assumption that I have GD (even though we’ve never really had a test result indicating anything, this is based on large baby, previous large baby and PCOS? I don’t even know). Glucose monitoring and they’re having me start night time insulin. I’ve also lost 10 lbs since 34 weeks, some combo of dietary adjustments and stress I’m assuming?
  • my doctor said we can induce at 38 weeks. Which is less than two weeks from now! The bad news is we don’t know anyone to leave the kids with while we’re in the hospital because we just moved away from literally everyone we know… my sister was going to fly in closer to my due date so we had to pay to change her flights and hopefully it’s all going to work out. But anyway,
    less than two weeks is exciting and at this point I’m just like totally done and don’t even care how my delivery goes, just get this baby out of me.

Still don’t know what we’re naming her either… had that WAY more decided at this point with my other pregnancies but just haven’t had the brain space.

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