FINALLY decided that we really like [name]Campbell[/name] [name]Brooks[/name] Lastname for our newest baby boy. Our other guy is named [name]Harrison[/name] [name]Reid[/name]… so what do you think?
[name]Hi[/name]! I’m so glad you found a name you love. I think that [name]Campbell[/name] and [name]Harrison[/name] are incredibly handsome together.
Best wishes to you!
a perfect pairing!
[name]Campbell[/name] and [name]Harrison[/name] sound really nice together - two strong surnames. I don’t know if you shorten [name]Harrison[/name] to [name]Harris[/name] or [name]Harry[/name], but you can also shorten [name]Campbell[/name] to [name]Cam[/name], which makes it versatile.
My only issue is with the flow of [name]Campbell[/name] [name]Brooks[/name], as it sounds a bit B heavy, and thus awkward, to me. Something with a different letter, such as [name]Campbell[/name] [name]Dawson[/name] or [name]Campbell[/name] [name]James[/name] would be nice, if you have other options!
Best of luck, and congrats on making a decision!
I love [name]Campbell[/name] [name]Brooks[/name], on its own and with [name]Harrison[/name] [name]Reid[/name]. I actually quite like the repetition of c and b sounds in [name]Campbell[/name] [name]Brooks[/name] - it makes them cohesive to me. Similar to the repetition of r sounds in [name]Harrison[/name] [name]Reid[/name].
Great choice!
Super choice! I think it goes perfectly with [name]Harrison[/name] [name]Reid[/name]. One of my friends’ maiden name is [name]Campbell[/name] and I’m really hoping she uses it for a son one day - I think it’s a gorgeous name.