Due date is getting very close and we still haven’t decided on a name. I started a thread a little while back with a long list of possible names. I think we have it narrowed down.
My main question is… What do you think of Dexton? Does it sound made up? Would you think it was really odd if you met a little boy (or a man) named Dexton? It’s never been in the top 1000, but I don’t think it’s too off-the-wall. Some other people seem to think that it is, so I’m wondering if I’m missing something. Please be honest ;). We’re not entirely basing our decision on other peoples’ opinions, but we don’t want to give him a name that the rest of the world hates, either.
Middle name [name]Edward[/name] (family name), so Dexton [name]Edward[/name]
Probably will be called [name]Dex[/name] a lot of the time
Big sister [name]Ellie[/name], I think maybe the names aren’t a perfect sibling set but they sound ok together?
Other names still on the list include [name]Max[/name], [name]Owen[/name], and something with “[name]Ky[/name]”. But Dexton seems to be the name that dh and I can agree on the most right now, without either of us feeling like we’ve “given in” and agreed to a name we don’t really want to use.
[name]Max[/name] Dexton is lovely. Anywyas, [name]Dexter[/name] being such a well known name, I don’t think Dexton is too far off. The popular ending (on), also makes the name sound new, which many modern parents are into these days. Name berries tend to stay away from these names, but I bet you can find a crowd that will adore Dexton.
Although I like it, I do think it sounds made up. I think people could easily get confused and think his name is [name]Dexter[/name]. Maybe you could use it as a middle name?