@Gia.berry quick-polled this, but I want to get even more specific results from those of you who’ve done the new name test.
I’m not sure if there are some types that are so incompatible you cannot score a combo of them, but I did all combos just to be safe. This should be a good way to gauge the style on NB. I’m curious to see which type combo is most common!
What is your type? How accurate do you feel it is to your style?
I thought mine (Leader-Charmer) was pretty accurate, but I was surprised that I had a very low percentage for [name_u]Noble[/name_u], which has names I like quite a bit more than Charmer names.
I think it’s pretty accurate. It suggested names like [name_f]Pearl[/name_f], [name_f]Alice[/name_f], [name_m]Arthur[/name_m], [name_f]Clara[/name_f], [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f], [name_f]Louisa[/name_f], etc. which are all names I either have on my list or have had in the past.
I’ve taken it once and got Leader-Noble … Leader kinda suits me, but I don’t think [name_u]Noble[/name_u] really does. I feel more like a Charmer or a Bohemian type.
eta: I took it again and wow, I got Charmer-Romantic now … completely different lol
i got charmer-influencer, which i think fits my style pretty well! it covers the classic and more common names i like as well as the more “modern” styles i follow like “boys” names on girls and word names
I’ve got a few different results during testing but I’ve just done it again and got Romantic-Noble, which feels pretty accurate. I tend to like traditional yet quirky names with a long history but relatively low popularity.
I do tend to prefer shorter first names than the ones suggested, particularly for [name_u]Noble[/name_u], but I love more elaborate names in the middle spot! And one of my daughters’ names was suggested on the Romantic page so I’m guessing that fits!
I got Leader-Noble, and it’s super accurate! The Leader part represents the first names on my list and [name_u]Noble[/name_u] is a perfect description of my middles
I got Romantic-Noble, and I think it does describe my style pretty well! I have lots of the suggestions on my list, and I definitely sway towards long established, but more unpopular choices. I never really thought about the more historical factor to the names I like, but it’s true!
I definitely love your taste and have always really admired your names. I think we lean slightly different ways within this type but a lot of the factors that draw us to our favourite names are the same
First time, I got Leader-Charmer. Second time around, I got Influencer-Leader but they were tied with Charmer for 27% each. I think the second try was more accurate for me, when I decided I wasn’t just going to heart names I like but names I would actually use. And I found the initial recommendations more to my taste the second try as well
Thank you! I really like your style too, and I’ve alwayd thought your kids’ names are wonderful! It is interesting how similar criteria can end up with so many different styles and choices . I think it probably says something about the diversity of names in general.