[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! [name_m]Just[/name_m] after some advice… I am having regret by over my baby’s name, she is 12 weeks old now and it just won’t pass. I thought it might but I still can’t say her name and don’t really like it when others do. It’s the worst feeling. Does anyone have any experience in this happening? What can I do? I feel bit ashamed and anxious about changing it. Thinking about what other will think…
Throughout the pregnancy I came across the name @yla and it really is a beautiful name and pretty meaning, related to the moon and light which I love, so I don’t know why I can’t just accept it and start moving on. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband and I have such different tastes, this one wasn’t a hard no so it’s the one that we just ended up going with although he wasn’t that into it initially. I keep thinking I’d like a longer or more traditional name would be better for her. I also want a name that can transition from baby to adult. With cute nickname ideas. [name_f]Sister[/name_f] is Charlott3 Am3lie. And she has been using bubs name a bit, I don’t want to upset her (7yo). Wish there was a way she could still use it. I don’t know if their names ‘go’ together or it’s not got much history…?
Other names I was interested in were:
3velina (Evs nn, [name_f]Evi[/name_f], like it bit more than Ev3lyn, hubby not so keen)
Am3lia (hubby not so keen, don’t like Milli4 nn)
Alys3 (close to a friends name)
@va (still short but I think goes well with other daughter)
Lil1ana (hubby thinks too Italian? we aren’t Italian)
He liked:
Wi11ow (I’m not into)
Audr3y (which I also love but can’t use cos of family friend)
[name_m]Just[/name_m] want to make everyone happy and move on… sorry for long post.
Any advice or help figuring this out would be amazing. TIA