Baby named after grandma?

Hello! I just found out I’m having a girl in [name_f]April[/name_f]! I’m
So excited and a big part of me wants to name her [name_f]Lovella[/name_f], which is a family name. She would share the name with my mom and I’m a little concerned it’ll feel weird for my kid to have the same name as my mom, especially since I’ve called her by her first name for most of my life. Has anyone named their child after their baby? How did it feel?

I’m a sucker for a family name! I say go for it. Both of mine are named after family members. One after a grandfather and one after a great-grandfather and it isn’t weird at all.

I’d say go for it, [name_f]Lovella[/name_f] is gorgeous

I love the name [name_f]Lovella[/name_f] - you could always call her [name_f]Lovie[/name_f] or [name_m]Wolfie[/name_m] for short, to distinguish from your Mum, but it’s such an enchanting name and with a different middle name, I would go for it! :wolf: (My friend named her first daughter after her mother, and form what I can tell, it’s a happy thing for all concerned - would be different, I think, if the grandparent for eg died in tragic circs and there was a sense for the child of carrying the torch for them, that’s too heavy.)

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I just simply adore [name_f]Lovella[/name_f] and the connection to your mom !

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Any chance it could be a middle?

I’m named after my grandmother, and I named my daughter after my mother. There really hasn’t been that much confusion. If you love your mother’s name (and your mother), go for it.

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I dont think its too weird, I know a lot of girls named after their grandmother. However if you have called your mother [name_f]Lovella[/name_f] for a long time I can see how that might feel weird. You could always use it as a middle, or choose a similar type name like [name_f]Louella[/name_f]

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[name_f]Lovella[/name_f] is gorgeous but I would personally find it too weird and confusing - unless you have a nickname that separates the two? But I think if you want that to be her name, perhaps experiment with calling baby that, to see how you feel

Suggestion: [name_f]Ella[/name_f] [name_u]Love[/name_u] Lastname (First name: [name_f]Ella[/name_f], Middle name: Love)


I think it wouldn’t be too strange, but I personally would want my children to have a separate name. [name_f]Lovella[/name_f] would be a fantastic middle. :smiling_face:

I say go for it!! [name_f]Lovella[/name_f] is such a beautiful name!! If you don’t want it as a first, it would make a lovely middle name too!!
I think that’s lovely that you want your daughter and your mom to share a name. I share a middle name with my aunt, grandma, cousin, second cousins, and [name_m]Lord[/name_m] knows how many other relatives. It’s a simple middle name, but it means so much to the family. I am all for honoring family members with names!!

[name_m]Just[/name_m] popping by the say that I really like @EJK1720’s suggestion of [name_f]Ella[/name_f] [name_u]Love[/name_u]!

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I agree it should be a middle, I’m a huge fan of honor names but as a first with a living relative? It feels like too much. I do like @EJK1720 's suggestion of [name_f]Ella[/name_f] as a first though. Distinct but definitely a nod to your mom.

I fully support honor names, but I think you should, if your mom is still alive, ask your mom first if she is okay with you naming your daughter after her. If she is deceased, go ahead and name your daughter after her. I also think that if your mom is still alive, you should give your daughter the middle name Lovella rather than the first name Lovella. The other option is to give your daughter the same middle name as your mother. If your mother is deceased, then I would say it is fine for you to give your daughter the same first name as your mother.

You could always use a nickname for your daughter to distinguish a bit between the two if you wanted. [name_f]My[/name_f] sister and her daughter share a nickname. I think it’s very cute to hear.

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